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10.IV.1985-te , u 17 casova I 20 minuta, u Somborskom porodilistu rodjena je beba kojoj je dodeljeno ime Igor a pritom se ista ta beba prezivala Paunovic…Beba neznajuci ko je I sta,sve do nekoga odredjenog vremena,upoznaje se sa svojim imenom I prezimenom…Kao I sa citavim divnim svetom oko sebe…U samoj toj spoznaji,inace krhko dete (svaka dva meseca u gipsu:D),osamostaljuje se veoma rano…I pocinje da trazi svoj smisao zivota do decembra98-e godine…Kada to dete pocinje da pise neke baljezgarije po papiru,koje kasnije prerastaju u rime…u isto to vreme snima prvi studijski snimak..Sve je to bilo veoma neprofesionalno I veoma lose..Ali uprkos tome,nastavlja se trosenje tesko zaradjenih finasijskih sredstava na studio termine…2000-te godine isti taj Igor Paunovic dobija pseudonim Young P.,i osniva tada “Nezavisnu Muzicku Organizaciju S17â€,sa vecinom neozbiljnih ljudi na tom polju sto se tek kasnije pokazalo. U isto vreme pocinje da sacinjava grupu VIXI (sabiranjem ovih rimskih brojeva dobija se i sami znate koji broj),sa Chaky-em,sada Chaka MC-om.2003-ce godine ostvaruje saradnju sa studiom “Chardakâ€,i svojim guruom K.G.-em (Kulic Goranom),gde grupa VIXI odpocinje rad na albumu prvencu pod imenom“Grizi Za Svojeâ€.I aktivno da nastupa uz pomoc nekih ljudi koji su podrzali rad ove dvojice umetnika.Na inicijativu Trip R-a,ovaj duo pocinje sa vodjenjem emisije“Provera Mikrofona†na radio Somboru (97,5mhz).U isto vreme Young P. veoma vesto buljeci u monitor i slusajuci rad K.G-a,pocinje polako da shvata nacin funkcionisanja citave muzicke produkcije…2004-te godine posle neuspelog objavljivanja albuma “VIXI – Grizi Za Svojeâ€,dolazi do razilazenja u stavovima,kao i u ciljevima dvojice izvodjaca,te se grupa sahranjuje u arhivu.I to pomocu Voodo Popeye-a,na cijem albumu (Sikter Feler) se ova grupa poslednji put zvanicno pojavila.Od tog vremena Young P. pocinje da radi na solo materijalu,usavrsavajuci svoj stil,kako kao mc-a,tako I produkcijsko umece.Te istu emisiju nastavlja da uredjuje i vodi uz dugogodisnjeg prijatelja i saradnika Sortir-a.2005-ta godina,uz polovican studio i veoma malo nastupa,moze se smatrati bezuspesnom godinom…2006-te godine napokon studio pocinje sa radom.Te Young P. opet nastavlja da radi na solo projektu “Ilustracija Snovaâ€.Raspadom dua Sortir & Boana Da MC,Young P. uporedo sa solo projektom,krece zajedno sa Sortir-om da radi na zajednickom projektu “Secret Prodzektâ€(Belo pranje:D).I da nastupa promovisajuci pesme sa predstojeceg albuma ovog dua.Iste te godine organizuje snimanje kompilacije “025-A stan,Z stanâ€. Na kojoj je radio celokupan mix,kao i vecinu beat-ova uz jos dvojicu mladih umetnika (High & Quality) Shkart Beat’z…2007-me otvara preduzece za izdavastvo “S17 Recordsâ€.Objavljuje kompilaciju “025-A stan,Z stanâ€,te zapocinje sa Sortirom na radu i uredjivanju jos jedne emisije pod imenom “Urban Sound†na istom tom radio Somboru.Takodje pocinje da radi na jos nekoliko projekata,pored vec pomenuta dva,osniva grupu Shimonsi sa jos cetiri clana (Sortir,Doox,Dabba,Flegma),te svojim umecem sto kao mc,producent ili beat maker,daje doprinos(gostuje)na vecini predstojecih izdanja,kako domace tako i insotrane scene.I to ne samo u hip hop svetu,vec i u nekim drugim alternativnim pravcima.P.S. Sve ce se to cuti uskoro…At 5.20 PM on 10th April 1985 in the nursing facility in Sombor, a baby, who was named Igor with surname Paunovic, was born. Not having any clue about things surrounding it, the baby gets familiar with its name, as well as the beautiful world around it. During that period of self-acknowledging, the child (a very fragile one, by the way) becomes independent at a very early age… And starts to seek for its purpose in life, until December 1998, when that kid starts writing some mumbo-jumbos, which eventually grow into rhymes… About that same time, first studio recording is made, all done on a very low level and quite unprofessionally… However, the kid continues to spend hard-made money on time in studio… In 2000, Igor Paunovic develops his artistic name Young P. and founds an independent music organization ‘S17 Crew’, with a few people around him that were rather unprofessional, as time has shown. Around that same time, he forms a duo VIXI (a name made from Roman numerals whose sum is number 17) with Chaky, now known as Chaka MC. In 2003, a connection with music studio ‘Chardak’ and his guru K.G. (Kulic Goran), where VIXI starts working on debut album ‘Grizi za svoje’ and is active on stage, with the little help of few friends of the duo. Initiated by Trip-R, the duo starts working on Radio Sombor (97,5mhz) on a radio show ‘Provera mikrofona’. At that time, Young P. starts realizing the way the music production works, by watching K.G. working. In 2004, VIXI is split, after failure of producing the album, which effected the break-down in the duo, due to differences in common goals of two members. The breakdown was made official by Voodo Popeye on his album ‘Sikter feler’, the record on which the duo made its last official appearance. From that moment on, Young P. starts working on his solo career, developing his skills as an MC, as well as a producer. The radio show goes on with the help of an old friend Sortir. 2005 is considered to be a failure, since the studio was not completed and since there were not many shows. In 2006, the studio starts working, so Young P. continues to work on solo record ‘Ilustracija snova’. Since the duo Boana Da MC & Sortir stopped working, Young P. starts working with Sortir on a record ‘Secret prodzekt’ and starts working shows, presenting music from that record in making. That same year, a compilation ‘025 A-stan, Z-stan’, that featured complete mixing, as well as most of the music, by Young P. and two young artist (High & Quality), Shkart Beat’z, is organized. In 2007, a publishing company ‘S17 Records’ is opened and compilation is published. With Sortir, Young P. starts on another radio show ‘Urban sound’ on Radio Sombor and a new group Shimonsi, featuring Yonug P., Sortir, Doox, Dabba and Flegma, is formed and with his skills as an MC, a producer or a beat-maker, he contributes most of the soon-to-come records, in the country and the region. And that is not just in the world of hip-hop, but also in some other alternative music genres...................................................... ..............................................