James profile picture


nothin' but a gore hound.

About Me

Thank you to everyone who posted, and looked for John, it means a lot to me and you all have my gratitude. I miss you brother, more that you ever could have imagined.

Just got back from Las Vegas, see the pics here

I love having a lot of projects running at once, keeps me on my toes!

I am currently doing a voice role in an audio adventure serial called Monster Genocide. Check it out at http://www.monstergenocide.com.

We will be having a Monster Genocide Listening Party at HorrorFind 8 in Baltimore this August 10-12.

I also review music for the zine 30music, http://www.30music.com .

Big Titty Chicken (My old band). Feel free to add it to your friends list, we have pics, fliers and MP3's up on it right now. We will be adding content as I find it so check it often.

Proud to fight for Aquilonia

My Interests

movies, music, politics and um.....ya know..stuff

I'd like to meet:

fans of horror and sci-fi movies, music fans in general, as I said before I am into more heavy stuff, but also enjoy jazz and classical.


Hardcore, punk, metal, psychobilly, jazz, melodic, prog, funk, ska, indy, you name it really. Waaaaaay too many bands to list.


sci-fi, horror (zombies are the best!), art house and indy and the odd action flick, something about watching stuff blow up makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.


Adult Swim, Discovery, Family Guy, The Simpsons


Assimov, Lovecraft, Star Wars and books with lots of pictures.


my Dad (don't laugh, it's true), Joe Strummer and everyone who struggles, but keeps going anyway.

My Blog

As I climb onto my soap box...

Ok for my first blog Id like to talk about the scene. This applies to any and all scenes. They suck.period. The general nature of the scene is exclusion and the commercialization of counterculture. By...
Posted by James on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 06:17:00 PST