Oregon City Girls Soccer U13
It's all about the Hot Tamales Oregon City Girl's soccer, and its star defender, my daughter Tenille!
..Tenille at three, for love of the game.
Tribute to the Faithful!
Other interests include photography, genealogy, pets, and travel.
My all time favorite "friend", Murphy, (he hated this!)
Really don't know what kind of person I'd like to meet. So far, my female choices haven't been good in the long run, something I believed in at the beginning. Good and bad in different ways, couldn't deny the effects they both had on my life. Not really looking anymore, not any good reason, which is nice, not to need a reason.
If you're from So. Ca., especially from SG Valley, would love to hear from you. Bassett alumni are especially welcome to contact me. It's also cool hearing from Ca transplants to the Pacific NorthWest. Heck, if you're a fellow spirit passing through this physical existence...
Today, I admire the philosopher and peace keeper,
and those who believe in honesty.
Clackamas River, nr. home
Classic rock like the Doors, Tull, and Moody Blues, with a cameo from Mathis and Darren. Also enjoy Motown, and Phantom of the Opera type music. Not into bubble gum pop (ok, maybe sometimes,) or most Top 20 country (give me G.Jones and Patsy Cline.) nor most rap, (some Mathers, just getting old I guess.) ..
Princess Bride
And Vincent Price in everything he did!
OK, I'm into Star Trek, (Voyager being my favorite.)
South Park, Eureka, CSI, and the Trailblazers are on my "watch list."
Steve Irwin
Watching more CNN and less Fox. ..
Wayne Dyer's "The Power of Intention".
Some are: Christopher Reeve, Michael J. Fox., Jack Lalanne, and Robin Williams. And as I age, I come to realize the life experiences made possible by my parents.
Terry, Bill, Steve with Dad and Mom (Ed & Ruth)
Garibaldi Marina
Betty Board on Abbey Rd.
..My Heritage...
I belong to Clan MacGilligorm (later called MacGillinnion, MacGill'innein etc.), and our family traces our descent to Crotair MacGilligorm (1372-1405), the hunchback (Crotair) son of Gille-Gorm (Blue-Lad), one of the "Blue Men," who live in caves under the waters of the Minch, the channel through the "Charmed Islands" of the Hebrides. Some say the Blue Men are fallen angels, but they are actually descendants of Glaukos Pontios (the Blue One of the Sea), a son of Pasiphaê (daughter of the Sun) and the Minôs who ruled Crete in the fourteenth century BCE.
Blue Men of the Highlands