About Me
RECORDING ARTIST / GHOST WRITERBorn Ryon Moore Jason in Detroit, MI on 10.18.1978. Raised in mid-town Detroit, this future MC was born into a situation surrounded by contradiction and turmoil. Growing up in inner-city Detroit, with money, bred violence, despair, and anger. While having all the trappings of his parents’ success, whether in a Rolls Royce, Porsche or Benz, there was no escaping the harsh realities of the city. After the loss of several close friends, his parents decided that he would spend the last of his teen years in the suburbs. As life would have it, the suburbs bred more violence, despair, and anger.Whether it was due to the place from which he came, or the difference between the urban and suburban mentality, the suburbs and R. M. Jason were never accepting of one another. To leave behind this new world that he held with such contempt, while at the same time attempting to make his parents proud, he packed his bags and headed south to attend FAMU.In time, R. M. Jason learned his greatest life’s lesson: The world, regardless of where you are on its map, is populated by violence, despair, and anger. Jealousy and hatred grew stronger in those around him; and, more friends were unnecessarily lost to violence.Several courses of action were followed in an attempt to soften the blows of fate… his parents’ choice to relocate out of the city where he was born and raised; his decision to attend college; and, his attempt at a secure life in corporate america. Unfortunately, for some, no matter the steps taken, life will continue to surround them with turmoil. It is because of this harsh reality that R. M. Jason decided to dedicate himself to educating others on what he has learned and endured.Enter… | R | M | J |