I would like to meet Ian.
Hey, Sup?
Answer here:
I can't tell right from wrong
The past scares me;
I am afraid of the Past.
A lot of other things scare me too. It is quite scary. I am scared almost all of the time. I am scared now.
I also can't tell left from wrong.
Sorry, I was distracted
"It is flat as far as I can see."
Where did these folks go anyway? Oh and you should know as well that I saw model at the Huntingon that shows/proves a geocentric universe.
Jewish Guys
"She said, Jesus walked on the water
Jesus rose from the dead
He cured the sick, he healed the lame
That's what the good book said
She said, Jesus made wine from the water
Jesus gave sight to the blind
I'm making Jesus my personal savior
Jesus is the savior kind
I said, you don't know a lot about Jewish guys
That's just the way we are
All that stuff they say about Jesus
I can do sittin’ in my car
You don't know a lot about Jewish guys
To us, he’s kind of a slob
You see miracles, we see some guy
Walkin’ round, talking shit, can't hold a job"
where are you doing in?
Lila Nelson Playing Still Got the Farm at Henderson Center Farmers' Market