Infinity State profile picture

Infinity State

About Me

Infinity State. We formed in 2002 back in the days of Mildura. Were definitely dedicated and still press on through the bleakest of times. We are currently undergoing a change in genre leaning toward a more hardcore sound. Our style comes from an assortment of influences consisting of Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, 36 Crazyfists, Killswitch etc just to name a few. This in turn produces melodic singing blended with screaming over a heavy rock foundation.Recording our 4 track demo 'Split Image' in late 2004, and completing a rough demo of We Fall in 2006, (Recorded by Matty - with help from our very good friend Benny aka Kippa :p) Infinity State set out to increase their fan base throughout Melbourne and beyond. The band ensures a tight, high energy live performance, with a dynamic blend of rock and metal, musically engaging the audience.
So I guess if you're reading this, you are also wondering will Infinity State rise again?? We are currently redesigning ourselves and in the process of fine tuning both our old songs and new ones. The songs currently under construction have been written in such a way so as to challenge our music abilities (and challenge they do) and therefore make them more interesting to play and listen to.
We've still got a bit of work to do but it's not a lost cause so don't give up on us just yet. We haven't. I hope the next update I make will be because I'm uploading our newly recorded tracks...
Til then. Peace

My Interests


Member Since: 09/09/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Matt Thompson (gay)

Brendan "Duthie" Scott (bi)

Tom O'Rielly (curious)

David Godfrey (who cares)

Influences: Some influences are Silverchair, Thrice, Tool, Muse, Trivium, Butterfly Effect, 36 Crazyfists, All That Remains, Chiamira, Unearth, Killswitch Engage, Avenged Sevenfold etc
Sounds Like: A midget moaning as it takes a 20 inch black donkey's dick in the anus. (generally after this matt would take a straw, delicately insert it into the midgets ass, and suck away on the juices of love)
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

the penis and the giny are beautiful things

well i really havnt much to say im just bored and thought the world should be reminded that infinity state consists of Dave Godfrey and no-one else.. i write all the music and everything else and all ...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 22:03:00 GMT