I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
Well my name is Vanessa Anne Hudgens, but my friends just call me Nessa or Nessy, and i decided to make a myspace to keep in touch with my fans and my friends when im away for buisness. ive done a couple movies, hopefully you all know them.. Thirteen, Thunderbirds, and high school musical 12&3, i only had a small part in Thirteen, but it was a great experience and i met so many new people, the same with ThunderBirds and High School Musical, But of all of them i have to say that High School Musical was the funnest, singing and dancing, what more could you ask for in a movie role? haha! any ways i hope you all join my myspace and that you can comment me instead of messages, im so busy with new things, and it be hard keeping track of all of them, so have a cool day, maybe i'll coment back! LOL!
My Interests
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