Simplistic Youth profile picture

Simplistic Youth

About Me

Bein doin my own thing for 15 years, and so far i've played many gigs, with a number of talented people. I've made my own debut cd, which 100% of the sales went to charity, and working on my second. I've had a music video, that few have seen. And now I'm just trying to get out there.I'm looking for anything!Guys to jam with, a band to start, gig's to play....just anything...really!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/24/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:This is me playing Parliament Hill.This is a video my friend made with my song. Thanks mi amigo!
Influences: Kurt Cobain, Neil Young, Ben Harper, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, The Band, The Doors, Black Sabbath, CCR, Led Zepplin, Nirvana, Sublime, Brandon Sutton, Blind Melon, Sonny & Brownie, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Howlin' Wolf, Donovan, Gordon Lightfoot, Joan Baez, Ian Tyson, Hayden, The Descendents, Bad Religion, Deftones, Rage Against the Machine, Soundgarden, Simplistic Youth, Concord Dawn, Sonic Youth, Joe Dumpster, Mudhoney, Ill Scarlett, BadFish, Motorhead, Grateful Dead, Bob Marley, Eric Clapton, Ray Charles, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Flipper, and all the other movers and shakers..................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ .and Michael Reynolds for showing me that my dreams are possible!!!!
Sounds Like: me hopefully.
Record Label: Deadhead Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Hands on a miracle

I am almost done my vacation, just in South Dakota and I'm having a great time.  One of the highlights of my trip was going to Taos, New Mexico and seeing all the wonderful Earthships that Michae...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 21:37:00 GMT

End of Life

When will companies start taking responsibility for their products end life?!!  I mean, they put enough effort into advertisements but not into what happens to their product after we, as society,...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:06:00 GMT

some days spent in some daze

lately i've been getting these little flashbacks to my life growing up, sometimes they're great and sometimes they make me feel funny (not like when we climbed the rope in gym class funny).  but ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 10:01:00 GMT


Why isn't Tibet a FREE country?  Why does the world allow China to invade a country and terrorize their people and ruin their culture and history?!  Why dont WE DO SOMETHING?!??!?!!?!?! ...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:25:00 GMT