i'm just a crazy-unpredictable-sarcastic-laid-back-grown-man-child from NYC, now living it up in CALI-FORN-I-AYEEE! i enjoy living without restraints and being my own boss (for now). i guess you can attribute some of that to my adult-ADD complex, but otherwise i'm just a fun-loving guy who lives to appreciate the finer and littlest things in life without hassles. i'm a semi-introvert, but once the ice is broken, we drinking from there haha. i don't mind going out of my way to putting smiles or laughs in peoples faces even if it means being an ass, so holla at ya boy!
on the professional tip, i'm a straight up renaissance man because i have an interest to many different things in life, but i'm mostly known for my skills as an all-around DJ, especially with the art of SKRATCHING. i currently represent MYSPACE DJ'S as a full-time club/mixtape/skratch dj under the names "WEAPON-D" or "thesleeperweapon DonP" and i am currently a FREE AGENT in regards to representing dj crews/bands. i also teach up-and-coming dj's in mixing and skratching fundamentals and battle/competition techniques. i'm also down for jam sessions, so if you're interested, and live around the FULLERTON/ARCADIA CALI or QUEENS VILLAGE NYC areas, give me a holler so we can talk business. [04/07 UPDATE: AS OF TODAY, I WILL BE ON HIATUS FROM DJ'ing TO CONCENTRATE ON MY OTHER CAREER. THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'VE COMPLETELY STOPPED; I STILL PRACTICE AND I'LL PUT OUT SOME RANDOM SHIT HERE AND THERE. IT'S JUST THAT I'M NOT GONNA PERFORM/BATTLE AND PLAN ANY MORE MIXTAPES FOR AWHILE. BASICALLY ALL YOU OTHER SUCKA-ASS DJ'S CAN BREATHE FOR A LITTLE TO STEP YOUR SKILLS UP.]
in the end, nobody else in the world has a name like DONPACO...God put me here to make my mark on the world and i intend on making it happen...don't sleep, stay 2ned
[my humble mixtape catalogue. all limited releases. more info here: myspace.com/thesleeperweapondonp ]
- fridaynight@lab310 (06/04)
- summerbreeze: the getaway (07/05)
- l'amour et le douleur (02/14/05)
- l'amour et le douleur part deux (02/14/06)
- l'amour et le douleur part trois (postponed)
- fridaynight@lab310 volume 2 (summer)
- hyperstrike wedding mixtape for ? & ! (october 26, 2007)