God!..It's so amazing how God works... and from the words of Lance Dicharia.."It all works out in the end" haha.. Sports! Volleyball and Football (Alabama and Gulf Shores football) are a big part of my life...I love watching baseball too...The Beach! Beach volleyball, laying out, tubing, ect.
Beth Moore. Peyton and Eli Manning.
Really depends on my mood ... I listen to pretty much everything.. except world hate music haha!
Remember the Titans is my favorite! Cinderella, Batman Begins, The Harry Potter movies are great too!
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Which Disney Princess Are You?
You poor girl, working your hands to the bone for your wicked stepmother and ugly stepsisters. Cinderella first scrubbed up for her role in Cinderella (1950)
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Sweet Home Alabama
Your a chick flick girl, born and thriving. You know how to follow your heart even if it takes some time to realize what's the right way to go
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The O.C., Smallville, Gilmore Girls
Harry Potter is my favorite...Any Nicholas Sparks Book, 1984, The Outsiders