"KNOWLEDGE IZ INFINITE" MIX TAPE SERIES: A series of compilations that will give the listener Edutainment in rawest form and will enable them to discover how Hip Hop as a music, and all that is incorporated within the music can bring forth positive change into the world. With artists from all over the world featured on each mix tape, it is guaranteed that through listening and analyzing the sounds, words, and rhythms of the mix tapes you will get a broader perception of life and reality. Hip Hop is music that can relate to people worldwide, almost serving as a universality to a certain extent, why not bring knowledgeable, constructive, real, positive, and edutaining Hip Hop music to the forefront of the movement?
Part one of the "Knowledge Iz Infinite" Mix Tape series is the "A Piece of Knowledge" mix tape. The mix tape is the second release from Emcees For P.E.A.C.E. and features 38 different artists from all walks of life. Each artist contributed a single track that they felt would serve you, the listener, a piece of knowledge in someway, shape, or form. The mix tape is DUE TO BE RELEASED on June 20th, 2008 and when it does, it is expected to be Proper Edutainment. real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
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Member Since: 24/11/2007
Band Website: emcees4peace.org/knowledgeizinfinite.aspx
Record Label: Emcees For P.E.A.C.E./The Movement of T.R.U.T.H.
Type of Label: Indie