Just B! profile picture

Just B!

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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Have been back home, here in the north-east for about 2 years, after being away for 13. The time was right. Caught up with old friends, made new ones, and wanna make some more! Have learnt alot about myself and others in these past couple of years. Some good, some not-so good. But I still have faith in humanity.This is my number one girl, my daughter, Thyme . . . .

My gorgeous State-Side-Sister

. . . And, I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!!!

My Interests

Art, Music, Good food - and of course drink! Shopping & Contradiction! The Seven Deadly Sins and The Seven Heavenly Virtues.

I'd like to meet:

People who are honest and upfront. No bullshit, hidden agendas or freeloaders! People who are into shit, not just being swept along by the tide of apathy and consumerism. My that's very serious! On the female front, Ladies with strong noses. And of course, the Great man himself, Mr. Bill Hicks. Shame he's dead!!! Don't worry Bill you live on in our heart and minds.


Usually has to be really Heavy or really mello/folky.
What rock band are you most like?
You are Slipknot in the way that your moods tend to go up and down real quick, have a very big knowledge of complicated words as though a human dictionary, listen to your music loud or not at all, obsessive over people you are with, can entertain a group of close friends for hours but you hate strangers, anarchist, and very antisocial.

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Pi, , Existenz , Memento The Cook, the thief, his wife and her lover. Most things by Cronenburg, Peter Greenaway, Lynch. Esp Mathew Barney's Cremaster Cycle.


Got to be 6 Feet Under - fuckin ace.But tend just watch film4. Most TV is shite.


Perfume - a must for anyone who loves their nose! The Art of Looking Sideways - full of really amazing, unusual ways of observing the world around us.


Electra Assasin - who else?