My kids... they are the one and only thing on this earth that keep me going. Without them I would be totally lost. Other than that...Golf, Softball out at BLD, Football, College Hoops, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Music. Road trips to the coast, listening to the waves come in, writing.
I guess I should start by saying I am not here to meet people to date. I will admitt I have some trust issues that I am trying to overcome before ever going down that avenue again but making new friends would be great. It takes me time to trust people because despite what they may say I have found that people always seem to change or put on a front as to who they really are when you first meet them and are seldom the person they first present themselves to be. Why is that??? Wouldn’t it be much easier to just be yourself than to put on an act? The truth is easier to remember than a series of lies. Why act or say things that aren’t true. So that being said whom I would like to meet??... Be real, Be Honest, Don’t be one who play’s games with peoples hearts or their emotions. Don’t be a liar or a back stabber. Be fun and enjoyable to be around without the constant need of alcohol or drugs. ABOVE ALL ELSE, TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED. And we will get along just fine. Pretty Simple really.
3 Doors Down, Daughtry, Jude Cole, Johnny Lang, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Sammy Hagar, Van Halen when Sammy was the lead singer, Jeff Healey Band, Storyville, Creed, Greenday, Staind, Saliva, Nickleback, Fuel, LIVE, Matchbox 20, Don Henley, The Eagles, Edwin McCain, Kenny Chesney, Hootie & the Blowfish,... the list goes on. It really depends on my mood and for me the lyrics to the song are the most important. I like music that says something or you can relate to.
All time Favorite is Field Of Dreams... followed by Lord of the Rings, 15 minutes, Heat, Gladiator, Rudy, Brian's Song, Hoosiers, King Arthur, Troy,
ESPN, "24" ,Friday Night Lights, Reality shows (Survivor & Amazing Race), And yes I will admit HGTV. Love the landscaping and home remodeling shows.
Your Element Is Water
A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.
That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.
Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.
You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.
What's Your Element?
First and foremost My Dad, he was an unbeliveable human being. To go through all that he did and to never lose his faith. He was always there for who ever needed his help. He was a devoted husband, a strict but awesome father (I can see that now, as a teen not so much lol) and he was a role model that I know I will never even come close to, He was more than just my dad he was a great friend to me, I miss him dearly.