Member Since: 24/11/2007
Band Members: In height order (ascending):
Maddie Wilson
Maddie Bates
Gabrielle Beasley
Maddie W spent a large part of her childhood (fruitlessly) aiming to become either Delia Smith* or Michael Palin. She is noted for her atrocious sense of direction.
Maddie B's main passions in life are ukuleles, Neighbours and Twixes. She tends to cough after drinking hot lemon.
Gabrielle was genuinely disappointed on her eleventh birthday when she didn't get a letter inviting her to join Hogwarts. She never tried using her pencil as a wand though. No. Ahem.
*Maddie would like to publicly register her disappointment in Delia Smith's latest endeavours with frozen mashed potato from a packet etc. This was not the Delia she aimed to emulate as a child, no sir.
Type of Label: Unsigned