As of June 2007 Dustin and I are living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It's been a tough ride but we're settling in for another year and a half of being foreigners. It's beautiful here and there's lots to do, contrary to what I thought at first!Recenty I realized that I needed something stronger then just myself to get through this, Malaysia is a tough place to live in. I began to do some soul searching and fell back on what I'd learned as a teenager about God. I feel so fortunate to have been exposed to christianity, I know other's are not so lucky. I felt very disappointed with my life, alone and hopeless. I was worried that while following my husband was the right thing to do, my plans for my life were being pushed to the side. And they were, but not because of my husband. They were because they were MY plans, and not GOD'S plan. As I began to discover this I started to realize that God had given me many opportunities to do great things. I seemed to be passing them up! Once I realized that we were here for a reason I became much happier! Now, my goal is just to fulfill as much of God's plan as possible.For those of you reading this with your jaw on the ground, don't worry, I'm still Trina, just a better Trina. A happier, more optimistic Trina. I can still have a great time with my friends and I'm not going to push my beliefs on you, however if you are interested, I would love to share more with you!I just wish that everyone could experience the joy that I have in my life! Things are by no means perfect, but I feel complete. I have so many things to be grateful for! My husband has a great heart, my family is supportive and my friends are absolutely the best!"Unlikely vessels are the most effective of all vessels."
Thank you to everyone who has impacted my life, there are many of you who don't realize how much you've helped pave the path for me.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Anybody living in Malaysia, non-psycho, that can show me around!
My Blog
I swear, if I ever have to take a cold shower again I will rip the shower head outta the wall. Why is it that cold showers ruin your ENTIRE day? All I want to do afterwards is scr... Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 22:18:00 GMT