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Kathryn. L :)
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9 times outta 10 the song on my profile describes how I'm feeling, so with that said:

(VARSiTY ~ Babysteps)
I'm startin' over again
The type of girl who puts family FIRST. The type of girl that will be there for you no matter how many times you haven't been there for her just because she hates to see people hurt, even if she doesn't like you. Yet at the same time, if she doesn't like you, you'll definitely know it. The type to listen to ALL genres of music. The type who could listen to instrumentals all day. The type of girl who hates third person, but finds it more entertaining to read than "I love to do..blah blah..and I hate..blah blah". The type who loves to be punctual and gets really irritated when late. Doesn't fall into the "Filipino time" stereotype. The type of person to laugh at absolutely everything, even if you don't find it that humorous, this person definitely will. The type to correct all your grammar/spelling errors on AiM just because improper english [ON AiM] is a pet peeve. The type who is down to just chill and have a conversation because getting to know people makes her happy. The type to be able to hold up a conversation because awkward silence makes her unhappy. The type of person to rather text than speak on the phone just because it makes multitasking that much easier. But has her few fortunate who get the privilege of phone calls. The type of girl who is too trusting and needs to learn that not every person in this world has good intentions, as much as she would like to believe that, especially when it comes to guys so her guard is constantly up. The type to jump from one subject to another in less than a heartbeat because she gets bored VERY easily. The type to put the same song on 4 different CDs because she hasn't gotten sick of it quite yet. The type of girl who is a lady and and should always be treated like one. Someone who is NEVER satisfied with her myspace and new layouts or about me's are a constant. The type of girl who won't fall for your cheap sweet talk because more than anything she respects REAL talk and not some line you overheard some "playa" spit to some "trick". The type of person who's genuine sincerity and yearn for learning is a constant. Get tah know meee =) you know you wanna ;)

My Blog

something everyone can relate to

The greatest irony of love;loving the right person at the wrong time,having the wrong person when the time is rightand finding out you love someone right afterthat person walks out of your life...and ...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 02:53:00 GMT