alaska. alphabetical order. aurora borealis. bagel time. the art of banksy. bernheim forest. bike rides. blue ridge mountains. breaking drumsticks. cadillacs. can i get a witness? checking on the laundry in the washer. choclolate. chocoreale. compassion. leonardo da vinci. dance parties. the day will come when the wicked will receive their punishment. dinosaurs. destroying cymbals. deunglisch. droplets of yes and no in an ocean of maybe. gustave dore. duck tape. m.c.escher. eupraxsophy. evolution. extension cords. falafels. february 12,2008. flashlights. flossing. from my teeth and my tongue i've drank and swallowed but it's just begun. fuck this hell that man has made, it's time for it to end. galapagos islands. ghosts n goblins. halloween. heidelberg am neckar. horror. i fly a starship across the universe divide and when i reach the other side i'll find a place to rest my spirit if i can. iceland. i've got nothing to do today but smile. integrity. it's up to us to save the world. jogging/knee pain. the joy of painting with bob ross. gunther von hagens' körperwelten. la paz. laser vision correction. legos. lower back pain. maps. math. metal. montana. mountains. muppet weird stuff. nazca lines. nerds. night. odd numbers. one day we'll rise to mount the skies and tear your gods' towers down. optimism. organizing. origin of homo sapiens. peanut butter zigzag. pear trees. perpetrators of this madness your right to live is gone your burning bodies shall light the path to a glorious new dawn. picking fights with the pavement. pictures. portmanteau. postcards. q tips. red cars. the art of m.a.reinecke. rollercoasters. sandwiches. saying "bless you." das schnabeltier. science. die siedler von catan. singing. snow. snowboard rides. soul vegetarian-atlanta. michael sowa. star wars. still certain that what motivates me is more important than any piece of paper could be. stuttgart. tahini. taking a wrong turn into a party. tattoos. teaching. titanium. to sing you must first open your mouth. transmission type: manual. travel. the tunnels. vegenaise. watches. wd-40. we express ourselves in loud and fashionable ways. we sang songs that make a difference and we can again somehow. we've all been told to get down. wit. yosemite. you. ziplocs. zwei kamele sind im keller, und sie hacken heizöl.
je tremble, mon coeur.
aftershock. the album leaf. anagnorisis. the appleseed cast. at the drive in. bach. pat benatar. between the buried and me. breed apart. botch. catharsis. johnny cash. caspian. cause one. cave in. circle takes the square. comeback kid. converge. crime in choir. darkest hour. dead can dance. earth crisis. duke ellington. faith no more. fettes brot. aretha franklin. four tops. glass casket. benny goodman. gregor samsa. guns n'roses. the haunted. the highwayman. in the face of war. iron maiden. jrewing. gene krupa. madonna. manowar. maserati. massive attack. the mercury program. meshuggah. mogwai. mörser. mötley crüe. willie nelson. orff. the police. portishead. the postal service. prayer for cleansing. propagandhi. tito puente. purified in blood. radiohead. red sparowes. refused. mr. buddy rich. saint-saëns. seven generations. sigur ros. simon and garfunkel. frank sinatra. the almighty slayer. texas is the reason. they might be giants. this will destroy you. tristeza. unbroken. undying. vivaldi. hank williams. george winston.
amelie. the blair witch project. conan the barbarian. danny boyle. donny darko.
evil dead 2. fight club. the fountain. the last temptation of christ.
the texas chainsaw massacre(1974). george lucas. my life as a dog. wolfgang petersen. refused are fucking dead. guy ritchie. ridley scott. steven spielberg. tom tykwer.
19" rca.
the revised dictionary, 2nd edition by prof. dr. k.a. schroeder. der fänger im roggen. goode's world atlas. langenscheidt's grosswörterbuch: deutsch als fremdsprache. antoine de saint-exupéry. charles darwin: the origin of species. the holy bible, king james version. richard dawkins: the god delusion. sam harris: the end of faith, letter to a christian nation. judith hermann. walter moers. e.a.poe. john robbins: diet for a new america. mary shelley: frankenstein. shel silverstein. hildegunst von mythenmetz. kurt vonnegut. bill watterson.
poppa. dad. obi-wan kenobi. conan the barbarian.