Brandon profile picture


Keep talkin, your making us famous....

About Me

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Well, to start....I'm from the South Burbs of the CHI (Dolton). I had to get that out in the open first before anything. Just finished my 4th year at Northwood and soon will be done...:) After I get my diploma from NU I plan on goign to culinary school and then, God willing, i'll have my own restaraunt of some kind in years to come.For the most part i'm an easy person to get along with, have a good sense of humor, easy going, hard-working and just a laid back type of guy. What else....NO KIDS, kids are cool but I just DON'T have any ;) but on the real, i'm really just trying to get through with school. ;)? My AIM name is Snappinb if you wanna chat...

My Interests

Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Brandon
Age?: 24
Height?: 5'10"
Weight?: 163
Birthday?: June 24, 1982
Birthplace?: Beaufort, SC
Current Location?: Michigan
School/Grade?: Senior
Zodiac Sign?: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Dog
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Haircolor?: Brown
Eyecolor?: Brown
Skin Color?: Light Skinned
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Just my mom and I
Any Pets?: Nope
If So What Are They?:
Favorite Relative?: My new lil cousin
Least Favorite Relative?: Don't have any..............?
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Mostly black
Political Affilation?: Hmmmm
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: Heterosexual
Are You In A Relationship Now?: Nope
If So, With Whom?:
For How Long?:
Are You In Love?: Nope
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Naaaahhhhhhh.....
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: Hell to the naw
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: Ummmm, 9 I think
Virgin?: Not to sex
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 17
Was It Enjoyable?: Yup!
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: About an hour and a half, maybe a lil longer
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: You'll know if you do it right
Best Love Quote?: "You goin make tacos and clean up right?"-Jodi
Your Friends
Best?: I have more than one
How Many Do You Have?: Enough....LoL
More Guys Or Girls?: Women
Love Them All?: Some
Anyone You Wish You Were Closer To?: Irish
Oldest?: My mom
Newest?: Amber
Pen Pal?: Nope
Friends And Words: Associate Them
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Thongs or G-Strings?: Thongs
Shorts or Pants?: Pants
Shoes or Barefeet?: Shoes
Books or Movies?: Movies
Night or Day?: Night
Dark or Light?: Dark
Mountains or Beach?: Beach
Snow or Sun?: Sun
Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi
Guys or Girls?: Girls!!!!!!!!!
Swim or Surf?: Swim
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: Nope
Abortion?: A lil but not totally for it...
Bush Getting Re-elected?: HELL NO!!!!!!!
Suicide?: HELL
War?: If need be
Pants?: They come in handy when it's cold
Clothes In General?: Hey, I like them
Penises?: I like mine and mine only
Color?: Red
Number?: 11
Holiday?: Christmas/My B-Day
Season?: Summer/Fall
Movie?: Too many to choose from
Book?: I don't do too much reading
Magazine?: Vibe
Food?: Pasta and Seafood
Drink?: Yac
TV Show?: Martin/Jamie Foxx
Song?: Look at me now
Band?: The Roots
Computer Game?:
Video Game?: Pac-Man
Shirt?: Polo
Pants?: Polo
Actor?: Samuel L. Jackson
Actress?: Nia Long
Flower?: Will I get in trouble if I answer?
Scent?: The smell of my old apt in the Woodlands
Animal?: Me
Cookie?: Warm fresh Chocolate Chip
The Future
Want To Go To College?: I'm graduating next year
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I'm grown already but when I graduate, a Chef
Want To Get Married?: I use to.........maybe though
Want To Have Kids?: same answer
What Would Their Names Be?: who knows?
How Many?: no more than 3
Where Do You Want To Live?: Somewhere new
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: I'll leave that to her
How Do You Want To Die?: Happy and Painless
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: 2
Tattoos?: 1
Smoke?: Sometimes
Drink?: Sometimes
Do Drugs?: Nope, it's natural
Skinny Dip?: Not yet...
Greatest Fear?: Needles/Heights
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Go To Church?: Not in a while...
Religion?: Non-Denomination
Scars?: A few
CDs Owned?: Too damn many
Collections?: "Roach" collection
Like To Be Naked?: Yes, in the shower and with women
Ever Eaten Sushi?: Never
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: I know someone that has
Been On Stage?: Yeah, a few times
Danced In The Rain?: Nope
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Nope
Weirdest Dream?: Not enough space to tell you about it
Best Dream?: Nia Long and I
Saddest Dream?: I died
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: To retire with lots of $$$ before i'm 40
Think You're Attractive?: Yeah
Shoplifted?: When I was little...........LoL
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: Something????
Weirdest Makeout Place?: Football field
Like Thunderstorms?: Yeah
Favorite Shoes?: My J's or Air Maxs'
Favorite Quote?: "You never know what you got till it's gone"
Best Advice Given?: Keep your mind off them girls and in them books
Worst Advice Given?: You should go to Northwood, yeah right!!!!!!
Favorite Song Lyric?: People say you gainin' weight, I say, I'm jus gettin paid!
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: When life throws you lemons, make lemonade
Glad This Is Over?: Aren't you too? LoL
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I'd like to meet:

Can I Freak U ?..............Oh, I`m sorry you don`t understand I mean, can I freak you mentally? Can I massage you mind? Make love to your mental as I sex your intellect and wreck your cranium with crescent waves of cerebral orgasms and brain spasms. See I want you spiritually and mentally. No need to rush for the bed, I want to undress your mind and come inside your head and connect with you on the soul water deepest levels of your intellect. Cause the mind is the most powerful, hypnotic, intoxicating and narcotic force in the universe. So when we converse exercising the mind, expanding and challenging it`s thought compacity it`s like the greatest and most natural aphrodisiac of all time foreplay of the mind and that intellectual and sexual gratifacation that follows, last longer and we can forever bask in the afterglow of this spiritual and mental consummation and we don`t even have to take our clothes off. So baby now that you understand....Can I Freak U?
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