Loud & Clear Printing profile picture

Loud & Clear Printing


About Me

We are a freakin awesome business that makes T-shirts, buttons and more for bands (or anyone who feels like making custom stuff). We can make buttons, t-shirts, patches, underwear... whatever you feel like printing on! We are a team of people who have an extensive knowledge of and experience in the music industry, and know what it's like to order and deal with merch. Therefore, it is our goal to make you love us and/or make you as happy as possible with your merch-ordering journey. We want this to be a symbiotic relationship where both of us ("us" meaning YOU and US) prosper. We are based out of Petaluma, California. We don't have any office pets yet, though we do have some office plants.

My Interests

Keeping prices low, low, low!!!...................................................... ......... FULL COLOR 1" BUTTONS: 22 cents each ............................................................ .......... METALLIC 1" BUTTONS: 25 cents each ............................................................ .......... Minimum order: 25 buttons ........................................... Send us a message if you're interested -- you'll need more details (file type, size, etc.). Or you can email us at [email protected] NOW OFFERING T-SHIRTS!!!!! Please email us for pricing -- it's always different. If you are really, really bored, look at www.loudandclearprinting.com

I'd like to meet:

Lots of friendly people who have a desire to create... create merch, that is. Oh, and purchase it too.

My Blog

New band added to store!

We have just added Logan Whitehurst and the Junior Science Club to our webstore at www.loudandclearprinting.com/lw.html. We will be adding more cds, artwork, etc soon. At least 50% of all the profit...
Posted by Loud & Clear Printing on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 01:33:00 PST