Kari profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

WWW.JUSTKARI.BLOGSPOT.COMThere is one major thing to know about me that is crucial for anyone who wishes to understand me.. Patience is not my strong point. I don't mean patience for small children, or people who need time to come around, or friends who like to tell the extended versions of the stories that make up the essence of their life, I have plenty of time for that. My impatience stems from knowing that experiences are just sweeter when you make them happen RIGHT NOW. If I feel a connection with another human being, why wait in adding them to my life? if I feel like going dancing, why wait till the weekend? If I want to buy the perfect pair of shoes, why wait until I have money? If I want to move to New York, why wait until I have a job (true story)? My point, my friends is that passion is what drives me and when I listen to it, I usually act without looking back. Its definitely served as a good and bad trait in the past, but I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't listened to the most colorful of instincts. I love the people around me with an open heart and I think that the best thing I can do to get through life is find inspiration through inspiring others. I hope that everyone is having a great time at this very second, because realistically, why else are we here??I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests

WRITING!!! Check out my work at www.justkari.blogspot.com.. I also love Surfing, listening to new music, hiking, traveling (when I can), Wedding planning, anything to do with the beach, and hanging out with good people, Watching great films, reading fiction, laughing at life's crappy surprises, smiling at life's good surprises, eating great meals, taking great pictures, developing NEW interests.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people who have something real to say. I just want to talk to fun-loving people who also carry some depth and intellect, I definitely am not interested in those who say "you are hotter than two squirrells fucking in a wool sock,"...you know who you are!! ;border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"


Aw man, where do I start? Well, gotta give props to 80's music- all of it!..the punk rock, the big hair rock, the poppy stuff, and the classic love ballads. I love a million different fusions of good old Rock music, some house, jazz, and alternative. I like some country, bluegrass, some underground hip hop, and sorry fans, but I don't have much love for 'the rap music' in my life. Some of my favorites include The Postal Service, The Strokes, Travis, Frou Frou,Death Cab for Cutie, Bonnie Raitt, Hellogoodbye, Carla Bruni, Tom Petty, Sigur Ros, Stars, The New Pornographers, Annie, ACDC, Boston, Matt Costa, ALO, other hippie-folk music, Steel Pulse, James Taylor, Joni Mitchel- I'm all over the place....


Too tough to put any movies as my favorite, but I will give you a little list and let you decide what kind of wierd twisted person I am! Starting with Garden State, Napolean Dynamite, Secretary (awesome), Some older all-time favorites include: Night at the Roxburry (yeah Erica!), High Fidelity, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Office Space, Love Actually, Rocky- all of them!, Clueless, Pulp Fiction, Like Water for Chocolate, LA Story, Reality Bites, When Harry Met Sally, Dead Man Walking, Bend it like Beckham, Shopgirl DEFINITELY Kill Bill volume 1 &2, Moonstruck, Singles, and my all time favorite right now, Stranger Than Fiction... ahhhhhhh can't go on, too many!


Sex in the City, the great Seinfeld (genius), The Cosby show, & Roseanne. I LOVE and am obsessed Lost, Scrubs and Arrested Development. I like Bravo reality shows for some reason, especially Top Chef and Project Runway. Last but not least, I believe the best TV ever made falls under the name of 'Felicity'.. that's my girl.


Oh Man, what the hell would I do without fiction? Here are some favorites; The Miracle of mindfulness, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The Secret Life of Bees, Autobiography of Vivian, The World According to Garp, One flew over the Cukoo's Nest; The Kite Runner; Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Marquez); The God of Small Things, The Memory Keeper's Daughter... just to name a few..


I think heroes are really people who characteristically save people from themselves, therefore my heroes are my friends and family because they never give up on me and that is very admirable. Right now, my heroes are also all the soldiers in Iraq, especially those who feel like they shouldn't be there, but keep their heads up everyday, MAN, they are AMAZING. Also, anyone who proactively seeks peace and the greater good for mankind and anyone who is working to get Bush out of office are definitely heroes of mine. Oh! Also my fat-ass cat... She bites me in the face, but I LOVE her!

My Blog

Excerpt from my short story, "Identity"

It was a Tuesday that I picked to change my life. I was walking the icy-death steps leading up from the subway platform. As the first ray of sunshine began to warm my face and welcome me out of darkne...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:29:00 PST


I tell stories. There are moments in the day that I find so genuine, so alive that I wonder where they were born from; what universal god threw that moment down into my consciousness to be swallowed l...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:27:00 PST

Phishing in Blue Skies

Time slows down and only music keeps count. The road is open, so full of blue that the ocean begins in the middle of the sky. Big soft clouds position the straight road we follow; so white and overp...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:22:00 PST

Love and Poker

Someone once asked me if I'm a gambler. I never thought of what a serious question that was. Now that I think it over, I guess it depends on what he was talking about.We were talking about poker at ...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:19:00 PST


Breath   I stare out of the window, breathing my life in& and out&.  My feet grip the unsteady ground of the train, while it carries all the other lives that seek air as well.  It never...
Posted by Kari on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 08:23:00 PST

The First Step into Consciousness

Shhh. Just breathe. Be quiet. hold your breath& ok, let it go. Its not him, he hasn't arrived. I am waiting impatiently, running my fingers thoroughly and repeatedly, through my stick-str...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I Don't Live Here Anymore

Everyone has the same secret. You know what Im talking about right? Of course you do, but you wont tell because its a secret. But I think today will be the day that I tell mine. I wonder wh...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dumb Girl

&the world is packed with billions of people whose Lives and deaths are useless and when one of these jumps Up and the light of history shines upon them, forget it, Its not what it seems, its jus...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My New York Apartment- dedicated to my friends and family

I was sitting in my room tonight, realizing that I have never been so sad on a thursday. I guess it could have been friday or saturday because to me, they are all equally sad this week. I started th...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Bush Stole My Gradma's Purse

Ok, I don't want to offend anyone.. but fuck it, ARE THERE REALLY STILL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD THAT WANT BUSH RE-ELECTED???!!! I mean, really, what else do people need in order to open their eyes to wha...
Posted by Kari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST