Dogs, Marxism-Trotskyism, Movies, Games, Games, Music, 60's Cars, Music.
The idiot responsible for my xbox not working, so I can show him some crowbar justice. And anyone who loves german shepherds as much as I do, or not as much but still loves them. And anyone who will build me an improbability drive for this new nickel.
John Lennon, Rage Against the Machine, Queens of the Stone Age, The Beatles, Gomez, KT Tunstall, Oasis, Blur, The Temptations, Boston, Journey, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Lazlo Bane, Shaimus, The Slip, The Upper Crust, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Turtles, The Zombies, The Red Army Choir, Highland Reign, Ray Charles, CCR, ELO, Coldplay, The Cure, The Fray, Go Betty GO, Jet, Johnny Cash, Led Zeplin, The Monkees, Steppenwolf, The White Stripes.
Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The Hogfather, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Elf, Harry Potter OoTP, Band of Brothers, Chronicles of Narnia, A Series of Unfortunate Events, I Am Legend, Shooter, The 8 Films to Die For, Haloween, Enemy at the Gates, The Terminal, Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away, Forest Gump, Serenity, Stargate, Star Wars, Star Trek, Juno, Cloverfield, Tin Man, Lost in Space, A Hard Days Night, Help!, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine, and perhaps Run Fat Boy Run.
Scrubs, Bones, The Daily Show, Star Trek, Stargate SG1.
Thus Spoke Zathurstra, Capitol, The Communist Manifesto, The Prince, Caesar, The Gallic Wars, The Republic, The Portable Karl Marx, The Portable Nietzsche, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the end of the universe, Life The Universe and Everything, So Long and Thanks for all the Fish, Mostly Harmless, The Harry Potter Books.
Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, John Lennon, Bill Gates, My Grandma, Evanna Lynch, anyone that rescues a German Shepherd Dog.
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