Books, live music, converstion, travel, IRELAND, psychology, movies, theater, dogs cats & horses, animal rescue, family & friends, arts & crafts bungalows, pottery; art of all kinds, sewing
Andrew Greeley, Carl Sagan, Albert Ellis, and my soul-mate, the man of my dreams. (If he calls, please get his name!)
English Rockers (McCartney, Rod Stewart, Stones, Clapton), Lorrena McKennett, Gaelic Storm, Shawn Mullins, Sloan Wainwright, Gordon Lightfoot, OutKast, Edwin McCain ...
The Butterfly and the Diving Bell, Lions For Lambs, Three Faces of Eve, Illusions, The Horse Whisperer, The Sting, Away From Her.
30-Something, Northern Exposure, Hill Street Blues, X-Files, LOST, Sopranos, House, Boston Legal, Sarah Connor Chronicles ...
Animals in Translation; Life of Pi; Wicked; To Dance with the White Dog; Eat Pray Love; A Brief History of Nearly Everything
My parents, my sis, my sons and my four remarkable best friends: GAL, SAJ, PMC & JPK.