Writing, Books, libraries. Creative Culture: Poetry, magic, film, music, theater; Physical Culture: Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling, Endurance challenges, Strength training, etc.
Current destinations: Alexandria, Egypt; Thailand; New Zealand; The Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, Africa; Chichen Itza, Mexico; Redwood National Parks, California.
The Gamuffmuff Banghouse, Flaming Pigeon, Smut Brigade, Oofie, Squidge, Goobermensch, Slovaken Nose Bone, Curmudgeon, Blunt Force Trauma, Top Whore & the Carnivore Four, Homie Town, Silverback...
Star Trek: TNG, CSI, Seinfeld, Simpsons, UFC.
Ken Kesey, John Gardner, Hermanne Hesse...
underdogs who beat the odds, human icons, Werner Herzog, Martin Scorsese, etc...