This is what i want/dont want in a guy **But right now I just want to meet as friends! I dont want to jump into a relationship. I want to get to know you, as a person, without all of the relationship crap(i.e.- kissing, sex, etc...)**:
I want a guy who doesnt lie
A guy who doesnt cheat
A guy who doesnt lie
A guy who isnt a flake
A guy who likes kids
Someone who wants a long term relationship!
Do NOT want a guy who just wants sex!
No.. just because I'm pregnant, does NOT mean I will have sex with you, just because YOU cant get me pregnant!
No alcoholics!
No drug addicts(and yes, WEED IS A DRUG!)!!!
You cant be a smoker!
If you have children, you MUST be a good father to them! If you have kids that you havent seen in YEARS, it is NOT your ex's fault! Its yours! If you honestly cared about your child, you would have taken her to court and fought for custody, or atleast visitation! So dont tell me you cant see your kid cause "your ex is psyco!" i dont buy it!!! And dont tell me you have kids you dont see, but that you want a family and wouldnt mind being with me and helping to raise my child! Thats BS! You dont even take care of your OWN kid, why should I believe you'd help with mine?!
***Note*** Paying Child Support does NOT automatically make you a good dad!!!!
I am NOT a party/club person, so if you are, then we probably arnt a match! Move on!
If all you plan on talking about is sex, dont bother!
I listen to country music... if you cant handle that... sucks for you! I dont need to hear that you hate country every 2 seconds!
You MUST have a JOB!!!! And know how to KEEP a job!
I have to see my bf like everyday.. or atleast 4-5 times a week.. If your life is too busy for that, then its not meant to be!
If you start all of your emails to me by saying "you're hot!" im not responding to you! I want someone who wants to be with me for me.. and not just my body!
If you simply send me a friends request, with no email, I will not accept it!
I guess thats it for now...Ill add more as I come up with more =)
CouNTRY, RaP, R&B, aLTeRNaTiVe, RoCK(SoMe), MeTaL(SoMe),oLDieS(SoMe), PoP, eTC...
CSi, CSi: MiaMi, CSi: NeW YoRK, HouSe, DR. PHiL, oPRaH, MoNTeL, WiLD N ouT, TaKe HoMe CHef,aMeRiCaN iDoL, DaNCiNG WiTH THe STaRS, eXTReMe MaKeoVeR: HoMe eDiTioN, aMeRiCa'S GoT TaLeNT, SuPeRNaNNY, FaMiLY GuY, THe MoMeNT oF TRuTH, DoN'T FoRGeT THe LYRiCS, etc...
a CHiLD CaLLeD "iT", THe LoST BoY, a MaN NaMeD DaVe, CLiMBiNG HiGHeR, oNe FoR THe MoNeY, TWo FoR THe DouGH, THRee To GeT DeaDLY, etc...
SaM BRoWN, ReBa HaLL, RuSSeLL FoLTZ, RoBeRTa aCKeRMaN, MiKaYLa RoSe aLeXaNDRia LiGHTHiLL, TiM RoBiNSoN, PaPa JiM, BeCKY CaTe, DaLe eaRNHaRDT SR., JaCK FeSSLeR, BRooKE PaRiNo, MaNuaL CaBRaL, TaRYN,aLL oF ouR FaLLeN SoLDieRS, aLL MiLiTaRY PeRSoNNeLL, eVeRYoNe WHo DieD iN 9/11, CoLuMBiNe, aND ViRGiNia TeCH =(