Hello myspace friends. Well first of all I was Born and raised in Virginia, 10 years spent there and many more will be. I have 2 awesome brothers. I am a funny guy and I try to be as nice as possible. Single freshman, and I am happy with my life. I'm one-hundred percent heterosexual (straight, for you dumbasses), no disrespect to other sexual orientations.
The history channel is the bomb.. I know a lot of things about a lot of things. My outward appearance may surface assumptions, but if you get to know me you may be shocked. You may not like my views on a lot of things.Writing is my escape from the world. Grab a paper and pen and let your emotions run free with words. You can write down any emotion that you may not be able to portray in your behavior, whether you keep it personal or public, you're free from yourself. I'm not a shy person unless I'm around a person I'm interested in romantically. Conceited? No. If you think I'm conceited, you don't know me. Pimp/Player/Ladies man? Not at all. I'm all for long term relationships, and nothing bothers me more than someone afraid of commitment. l like to write songs and play guitar , it's another passion of mine. I like oranges, they're pretty yummy. My father is my idle and I could only hope to be half the man he was. O yea my name's Travis..
I support gay marriage ~ I am not homosexual but I do not think people have the right to force another human being to be with a specific gender. I do not judge people so if your gay, bi, confused, black, white, or 2 feet tall I will be cool to you if you're cool with me. I also support the following charities, The Hot Topic Foundation, Peta, March of dimes, American red cross, and the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.
A little note on global warming (if there is such a thing) I do not like it when people say we are saving the earth. The earth has survived far worse things then a fraction of a degree increase. But we however take it harder, thus the spike in heat related death. So if we changed the slogan to "lets save us" people might take it more seriously. =p
I am currently in a solo band. I am not looking for members, It's just me. It's called Breathe For Me.
Another thing. I added you for a reason, to be your friend. So if any of all the thousands of you ever need help with something whatever it may be, schoolwork, relationships, or emotional problems ask for my number. I do not mind talking with you guys for as long as it takes. :)
"Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know i'm not perfect and I don't live to be, but before you start pointing fingers...
make sure your hands are clean."
-Bob Marley
Cause every breath that you will take when you are sitting next to me will bring life into my deepest hopes.
At the end my guitar tipped over..
the head snapped off..
Give Peace A Chance
If you plant this virtual tree, Chevy will plant one in real life. =)