Kari Eve profile picture

Kari Eve

What you starin' at... I ain't a mirror

About Me

I like to have fun and live life, I'll take any dare if it sounds like a good time. I don't care about consequences or what you think, I do what I do because I'm damn good at it!! If you don't like it, I don't care, just get over it and let's chill!!!I'm a vixen and I know it, I like to get rowdy and look good. I can handle anything given to me, and my girls are always there to back me up. I'm a Delta Delta Delta girl my sorority sisters are very important, but I know who my truest BFF's really are!!! I'm a pro at my game there are no questions asked and everyone (everyone that matters) loves me!!! If you think I speak too fast, its because you listen too slow. If you don't like my opinions or yours differ somehow I will listen to you and then still tell you your wrong. I love eye-liner, lip gloss, designer sunglasses, and high heels. Mud-riding in my Wrangler was my favorite thing to do but now its all about speed on the street bikes (plural b/c we have many). I'm originally from Buras, LA the wonderful little town that I grew up hating, but would give up anything to go back to(fuckin' bitch Katrina). I love LSU and the Saints and wear at least one article of paraphernalia everyday. I now live in Maryland and I am with the man that I am going to spend the rest of my life with, a one Mr. Darrell Willis Cloud. I am happier then ever before and I owe it all to him. We have a super cute kitty Tao who we love very very very much!!! I'm interested in just about everything and want to have as many jobs and experiences as possible thats why Americorps (kinda like the Peacecorps but in the states) is so great. I'm having a great time up here but home will always be down south!!
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My Interests

Dancing, going out, swimming, doing the turtle, partying,whispering sweet nothings into my baby Darrell's ear, shopping, free-stylin in the car late night, playing the harmonica, playing with my kitty Tao, long walks on the beach, honk and blow, traveling,sipping champagne, chugging 40's, pretty much drinking anything, cuddling, going absolutely crazy, petting dogs,hanging with my 2 BFF's, sleepovers, Myspace (obviously), riding around topless, talking about poop (that's for you Cornelious), lovin' life!! All in all doing whatever I can to make myself and my life incredibly ridiculously fabulous!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Everyone should want to meet me!! haha I truly enjoy meeting new people. I feel like I've never met a stranger, I open myself up to people almost instantly, which has proven to be both a good and bad thing. I enjoy all different types of people, the crazier the better, so holla at me and we can kick it!!!


Vanilla Ice rocks my face off!! As well as 311, Avenged Savenfole,Kanye West, Maroon 5,The White Stripes, Tool, Mike Jones, Green Day, Sublime, Turbo Negro, Heim, Radiodrive, 4 Barrel, Pink floyd, Smashing Punpkins, Weezer, Adam's Attic, The Terms, Exhaust, KISS, Motley Crue, Johnny Cash, (any New Orleans rap)Ozzy, Jay Z, Linkin Park, Ray Charles, The Shower Scene, Benji Davis Project, The Ramones, The Cure, Eminem, Gretchen Wilson, Mudvayne, Jimmy Eat World, Jack Johnson, New Kids On The Block, Madonna, The Clash, Hank Williams, The B 52's, Phish, Widespread Panic, and whatever else I wanna listen to!! I just like sounds that make me wanna have a good time!!! I must say that after moving up here I've fallen in love with the local music scene, Ballyhoo, Mr Big Guns, and my all time number one favorite 3rd Time Around!!!(Click Here) Free Music Videos Provided by GOVideoCodes.com!


Steel Magnolias, Old School, Goodfellas, Casino,Closer, Wedding Crashers, Life as a House, Moonstruck, KIDS, Monty Python, Gone with the Wind, ..8 Seconds, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Dumb & Dumber, Cruel Intentions, Dazed & Confused, Clueless, Romie & Michelle's High School Reunion, Love Actually, Top Gun, I just like movies in general!!


Sex & The City, Family Guy, Friends, Law&Order:SVU, The OC, COPS, That 70's Show, Nip/Tuck, Jackass, Viva la Bam, Gilmore Girls, oh and heck yeah Wheel of Fortune!!!


What we Owe to Each Other, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, How Are We to Live? Anything Dan Brown, he's great. I like autobiographies and historical books about southern life as well!! Oh and cajun cookbooks!!


My father Sheriff I.F. "Jiff" Hingle Jr. He's the only guy I know who has put a gun to the head of the National Guard to keep 'em out of the parish, rescue dozens of people from rooftops, and make the Govenor of Louisiana cry all in the same day!!! He's the shit!!!