Your Boday Is A Wonderland
By John Mayer
Best Video CodesALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!! SING LIKE NO ONE IS LISTENING, DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING AND LOVE LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN HURT!!!. LOVE LIFE FOR IT'S THE ONLY ONE YOU HAVE AND YOU ONLY GO AROUND ONCE. SO SMILE , FEEL THE WARMTH OF THE SUN AND BE HAPPY.LIVE FOR YOUR DREAM. NEVER GIVE UP. I KNOW ONE DAY LOVE WILL FIND ME. AND I KNOW I WILL MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE WITH , FAITH , HOPE AND LOVE IN MY LIFE. AND LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. (IT'S NOT OVER UNTIL I WIN. REMEMBER YOU WILL GET THERE JUST DON'T QUIT. WHY BECAUSE IM A SURVIVOR. NO ONE NOT A WOMAN , OR MAN CAN TEAR ME DOWN. I WILL MAKE IT!!!! WHERE WILL YOU BE NEXT 10 YRS, 5YRS. LISTEN YOU CAN HAVE ANYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES. YOU MUST SEE IT IN YOUR MIND AND BELIEVE IT IN YOUR HEART AND THEN AND ONLY THEN CAN IT BE YOURS. FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE IS HOW I LIVE MY LIFE AND I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO. DROP ME A LINE AND YOU TOO CAN LEARN TO LOVE YOUR LIFE AND REACH YOUR GOALS. THE QUEEN HAS SPOKEN.!!!LISTEN TO THIS SONG AND KNOW YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, GOD NEVER MAKES JUNK, YOU ARE PRECIOUS AND UNIQUE. SO WALK AND BE PROUD OF YOU WHO YOU ARE GO OUT AND ACCOMPLISH THOSE THINGS YOU WERE MEANT TO DO IN THIS WORLD. I LOVE YOU. ALWAYS. Elizabeth I (1558-1603 AD)Elizabeth I was born in 1533 to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Although she entertained many marriage proposals and flirted incessantly, she never married or had children. Elizabeth, the last of the Tudors, died at seventy years of age after a very successful forty-four year reign.Elizabeth inherited a tattered realm: dissension between Catholics and Protestants tore at the very foundation of society; the royal treasury had been bled dry by Mary and her advisors, Mary's loss of Calais left England with no continental possessions for the first time since the arrival of the Normans in 1066 and many (mainly Catholics) doubted Elizabeth's claim to the throne. Continental affairs added to the problems - France had a strong footland in Scotland, and Spain, the strongest western nation at the time, posed a threat to the security of the realm. Elizabeth proved most calm and calculating (even though she had a horrendous temper) in her political acumen, employing capable and distinguished men to carrying out royal prerogative. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS AWESOME WONDERFUL WOMEN GO TO MY BLOG TTTLED THE ONE TRUE QUEEN. THE GREATEST RULER TO EVER LIVE.
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