The LEAH ToRtillA profile picture

The LEAH ToRtillA

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Leah...
I dance.. alot
.. wow wow wow...
My life is going SO fast right now. School is almost over.. moving is almost here.. deciding where that is going to be is almost here too... I like Corpus Christi Texas ahh. Ok guys here is some stuff about me, hope you enjoy and actually read it. ;)
I surf
I love or lust easily
I'm driven more then you know
I work alot.. postal, library, radio, intern.
I love style, hair, music.
I want to travel but not alone, probably with a lover.
I've just recenly discovered the world of meditation, tantric, and fung shui and really love it, it's life changing.
I like aim too. Fastgirlsurf.
I have lost alot in my life: friends, family, clothing, furniture, virginity's, lovers, at times my mind, oh god so much more but I am on a mission to retrieve what I can't loose. I love living life with a goal. I understand some just want to chill and live but I want to live with a goal, a purpose and meet each goal set for my future with happiness and joy.
Art is a huge part of my life.. in every form. I like reading. I really love the internet and um I attempt to be on the radio so uh listen in 92.7 KBAY every saturday from 10-3. Pretty much. so if you want to more that's probably not going to happen unless we chill in person but hey at least you know this much right? More then I can say for most people.
"Don’t ever leave the person you love for the person you like. Because the person you like will leave you for the person they love." MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

::photos:: Most is general things that express me. :)

More to come.

I'd like to meet:

Gwen Stefani, Fergi, a buddhist, need I say more...Surfers from around the world. "I do not care what car you drive, where you live, if you know someone who knows someone, if you clothes are this years cutting edge, if you trust fund is unlimited, if you are an a-list, b-list or never heard of you list. i only care about the words that flutter from your mind. they are the only thing you truly own; the only thing i will remember you by. i will not fall in love with your bones and skin. i will not fall in love with the places you have been. i will not fall in love with anything but the words that flutter from your extraordinary mind." -Josie rees. Chill out zebras.. posing for myspace or what.. haha SURFING ALL DAY + NOT EATING + W/ HANG OVER = this awesome photo.. + Totally worth it!


I film ziggy like a rockstar lover!ALOT. meet me and you will understand.


mr.bean boombastic

Add to My Profile | More Videosdrop dead fred!!! um RETURN TO OZ, 10 things I hate about u... she's all that! Romeo and Juliet! ghost world is great.. lost in translation, great expectations, Cruel inentions (thanks tiffany g.) The labrynth, Deja Vu.. haven't seen it.. go watch it! BUT even though I don't have any scary movies on this list.. I love watching them cause I let them scare the shit out of me! YEP YEP!


She is so chill .. AND FUCKING COOL.John from Cinncinati *spelling* Fooly Cooly.. Weeds.. That's when I have time.


tantric orgasims for women. lol


MY HERO IS REALLY someone who can turn my head with their thoughts.. not just what they wear or what they do or who they know... it's gotta be something that they have as a person... :) My hero is someone who meets my needs as well as theirs... cause well that's what I do. There are so many hero's in life.. I hope some day I am one for someone.

My Blog

So full of inner tropical feelings ...

Things lately have been such a blur it is really ridiculous. It's so strange how things work out and how quickly someones "strong" feelings can change. Maybe that's just me but  I swear  I h...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 09:58:00 PST

My current default song.

You are my sweetest downfallI loved you first, I loved you firstBeneath the sheets of paper lies my truthI have to go, I have to goYour hair was long when we first metSamson went back to bedNot much h...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:24:00 PST

21 years of age.

21 one years of age. wow. You know,  I would have to say that 20 fucking blew.. I mean it did.. there was alot of stuff that  I just couldn't do. In rhetrospect though 20 actually rocked ass...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 10:41:00 PST

FUNG SHUI (your not ready)

Feng Shui ( pronounced fong sway ) is an ancient science based on the belief that everything in the universe is either positive or negative energy. ( Yin and Yang ) remember drawing that on your ...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:58:00 PST

My life as of right now.

It's so strange how things can change so quickly just at a drop of a hat.  For me, my choices were in my hands but my feelings weren't. Now that  I have control over what I feel I fear ...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:23:00 PST

Austin City limits is going to rock my ass..

picture this.. bjork, the white strips, the killers, damian fucking rice, joss stone, queens of the stone age, blue october, the decemberisits, regina spektor, stephen marley (omg) and so much much mo...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 03:19:00 PST

surf city ok sooo that site up above... it's all about it bout.. board for sale etc. pretty cool.   anyway This passed weekend was the memorial down in South padre Isla...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Sat, 12 May 2007 02:02:00 PST

Music and myspace

Ok so. I think that myspace has done our generation of music such an imense favor it's incredible. A close friend of mine Josie has always been up on it, when there are some kick ass bands. She was te...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:50:00 PST

The Amazing Penis (w/ video)

The Amazing Penis Add to My Profile | More VideosALRIGHT... so I decided I would share this video with you guys and a little bit about the day lol. ok So. Yesterday.. I didn't really go ...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:17:00 PST

my dad.

"Leah called me today, she was missing dad. I miss him too. Its weird how you have weak moments. Its weird how your expected to be strong. Its weird how when your feeling down, at your weakest, no one...
Posted by The LEAH ToRtillA on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:42:00 PST