POLSKA WERSJA-Od mlodych lat interesowalem sie muzyka chec o tworzeniu wlasnych produkcji była silniejsza i postanowilem sprobowac swoich sił w tworzeniu wlasnych utworów poczatki byly trudne ale z czasem nabralem doswiadczenia ktore zaowocowalo po niedlugim czasie.Na początku , zaczeło sie od prostych programów typu eJay jest to prosty program niestety jego mozliwosci sa nieco ograniczone i zawsze brakowalo tego czegos wiec z upływem czasu i postanowilem poszukac czegos co mogłoby sprostac moim oczekiwaniom.Obecnie tworze na bardziej profesjonalnych programach moze sa one bardzo skomplikowane ale tylko w taki sposob moge poznawac nowe technologie tworzenia muzyki.Wciaz poznaje nowe syntezatory co pozwala na wieksze mozliwosci tworzenia nowych dzwiekow i kombinowania z nimi.
Styl jaki preferuje to szeroko pojęty trance zarowno przy tworzeniu jak i w celach rozrywkowych stawiam ten gatunek na pierwszym miejscu.
ENGLISH VERSION-From salad days I was interested the music the wish about the creation of own productions was more strong and I decided to try my own powers in the creation of own compositions rudiments was difficult but over time I gathered experiences which bore fruit after the short time. At the beginning , it set up from simple programs of the type eJay this is the simple program unfortunately his possibilities are a little limited and it was always lacking this of something the public meeting in the course of time and I decided to seek something what would be able to equal to my expectations. At present the creature on more professional programs perhaps they are very complicated but only into such manner I can recognize new technologies of the creation of the music. Still it recognizes new synthesizers what lets on greater possibilities of the creation of new sounds and combinings with them. Which style prefers this widely comprehended trance both at the creation as and in amusement aims I place this sort in the first place.
My Interests
Member Since: 11/23/2007
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Type of Label: Major