Life is sometimes like troubled waters at sea.
The waves are tossing you and sometimes you feel
you are forever lost and will never find your way
back to the calm gentle waters before the storm.
Have faith in our Lord. Through faith he strengthens
you. And as he calmed the raging storm and fierce seas for
his own, he will do the same for you. Peace,be still...
May the sun's rays always warm your heart and soul
and may it's light show you your path in life.
Life is like the rising and setting of the sun.
When we are born our sun rises and as we grow into
adults, it is when it is at it's highest. If we have
dreams, we must pursue them. We never know when our
sun will set. Live each day as if there is no tomorrow.
Always say what we feel in our heart, leave no stone
unturned. When it is our turn to leave this life. Leave
without any regrets and when we meet our maker he will be
proud of us for what we accomplished in life.
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