"In a past life, Knoxville's Llama Train might have been a jam band; they have the musical chops to play long-form improv without faltering or repeating themselves, and their repetoire includes Birkenstock-rock nuggets from the likes of Chris Robinson and the Grateful Dead. But somewhere in transit between that past life and this one, these fellows learned a lesson or two about songwriting and showmanship, things that too many patchouli rockers overlook in their droning quest for Jerry's muse. The result: the guys in Llama Train rock unapologetically, and they have fun doing it, trading off instruments as easily as most bands might pass around a bottle of cheap hooch."
- MG, Metro Pulse, November 2006
"These boys were raised on roots rock, Americana and the like. This band is as comfortable switching from their own material to classic covers as they are switching instruments. And expect plenty of both as they tour through straight ahead rock, danceable grooves and intimate acoustics. Before the night is over look for everyone to take a turn on guitar, vocal, drums, keys, harmonica and whatever else they can find. They play well and they play it all, but, despite their relative youth, are experienced enough to know when to jam and when to tighten up." - M. Trevor Higgins, ChattanoogaTimes Free Press
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