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elOoo the names rochele im selfish at times, im a little insecurreee, i make mistakes.. im out of control maybe hard to handle at times aswell!! but if u cant handle me at my worste..YOU SUREE AS HELL DONT DISERVE ME AT MY BESTi love attention, but then again who doesnt. i drink just to have an excuse to be stupid. i give attitude without realizing it. i can be a smartass! i talk too much &; sometimes very loud. i can barely keep my mouth shut, but when i do .somethings wrong.I contridict myself a lot. my fave colors are black brown and pink :)im hardheaded and naive, but then again, I am only 17 years old & still have to experience a lot in life for me to learn how everyday life works, even though I kinda have an idea of how it is... :) I don't know what is wrong with me lately, I'm turning in to something I never wanted to be. the reality of it all is hitting me, finally...I left my mum, but it was for the better. I drifted from the ONE that kept me going. I drifted from the only one who really knew the pain I was going through. i didn't think it would be that bad.. but now i need him now more than i ever have.I sat day in & day out watching my mum drown, watching her dig herself deeper and deeper.. watching her provide for me and my brothers. I thought I was doing so much for her, but I wasn't. I was bringing her down even more making her feel like it was her fault I was where I was.I don't want to be like the rest of the world i don't want to spend the rest of my life spiraling downhill... But at this rate it seems like it's too late. I want to be something, I want to make something of me.
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Girly Myspace Comments
Full Name: Rochele Nicole Teresa Michele Couzer Registe :)
Nickname: Rosh or lips
Date of birth: 9.1.91
Place of birth: st marys Brap Brap lol
Current location: the foyer in hulme lol
Eye colour: shitty brown 1s
Hair colour: brown
Build: curvilicious :)
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: glasses sumtyms
Are you right or left handed?: Right
Do you have any siblings?: yh quite alot ov em
Do you live with your parents?: nope i do not
Movie?: Leon
TV show?: My wife n kids
Singer/Band?: T.I n T-pain
Song?: apple bottom jeans :)
Actor/Actress?: Katt williams hes fukin funny
Food?: ackee n saltfish :)
Number?: 8
Soapy?: Eastenders
Cartoon character?: piglet i suppose
Colour?: blue
Sport?: basketball
Quote?: a promise is only a comfort to a fool
Memory?: dnt knw i smoke 2 much bud hahaha
Dream?: pffft
Place to relax?: ma gaff
Hero?: erm....
Book?: Harry bloodclart potter
Drink?: Ribena
Music or TV?: music
Guys or girls?: guys
Green or blue?: blue
Pink or purple?: pink
Summer or winter?: summer
Night or day?: night
Dopey or funny?: funny
Diamond or pearl?: diamond
Sunset or sunrise?: sunset
Funny or scary movies?: funny
On the phone or in person?: person
Hugs or kisses?: hugs
Rich or famous?: rich
McDonalds or KFC?: kfc
Single or group dates?: any i dnt really mind
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Cappaccino or coffee?: cappaccino
Who is the nicest person you know?: stevie
Who is the funniest person you know?: romana
Who is the loudest person you know?: emma lol
Who is the weirdest person you know?: Tarren
Who is the hottest person you know?: erm.. 1 set tall dark n handsome guy who knws hu he is :P
Who is the all-around person you know?: Tarren
Who are the four people you are most open with?: tarren romana kitkat emzi n kortz
Are you/have you ever been in love?: yh
If so, what was/is so special about them?: he treated me like a princess :)
Do you think it is right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: its ok 2 flirt aslong as nuffin happens i suppose
How far would you go on a first date?: a smootch lol
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: jamaica
Describe the type of person you would want to spend the rest of your life with: sum 1 funny n dats not an eye sore lol
When was the last time you talked to the person you like?: 3 days ago
What are the qualities you find most attractive in the opposite sex?: funny ness n tall wiv a nice back :)
What is the song you are listening to right now?: salad fingers the theme tune hahaha
What is the next CD you are going to get?: pfft im gnna probz downloadsumfin
Which song reflects you the most?: erm........ im gnna have 2 get bk 2 u on that 1 lol
If you were on Australian Idol, which song would you pick to sing and why?: australian idol uno hahaha wot a load
If you had your own band, what name would you give it?: black bastards hahaa
Met Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?: santa
Gone skinny dipping?: nah but i want 2 lol
Danced in a public place?: yh i always do
Smiled for no reason?: yh im a mad 1
Laughed so hard you cried and/or peed your pants?: no but i nearly did wen we shaved andrews eyebrow off hahaha
Written a song?: ha no
Made out in a movie theatre?: yhhhhh doesnt feel ryt if u dnt
Lied when someone asked you "Do I look ok in this?": nahh
Lied to make someone happy?: yh
Threatened someone?: yh
Been threatened by someone?: iiiimagine
I am...: in need ov a good man :)
My heart is...: beatin at the moment
If I were a...: fish
I wish...: i was a fish
So many people don't know that...: im BLACK not mixed race
If I could be anyone I would be...: Beyonce
If I could change one thing about the world, it would be...: money
Control weather or read minds?: read minds
Be good or evil?: good
Be invisible or have super speed?: invisible
Have super strength or flight?: flight
What was the last thing you cried about?: not bein able 2 go near 1 guy cah ma frend gt der first kmt
Are you happy?: yh i am
What is something you can't live without?: lipgloss
When was the last time you were depressed?: about 3 hours ago
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: yh da 1 eddie gt me yrs ago
Are you an alcoholic?: nah
Do you have any piercings?: yh 7
What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 0289
What is your weakness?: smiles
What is your greatest fear?: dyin without havin kids
What makes you happy?: Tarren :)
What would be your perfect pizza?: pepperonni haha
What was the best advice given to you?: dnt go near reh teh teh
Have you got any special awards?: yh bt frm bk in da day haha
What are your future goals?: 2 b a make-up artist
Do you have any enemies?: yh fukin keisha fukin hanley
What are the three words you would use to describe yourself?: funny loud short-tempered
Describe your perfect life: money n a man
If you had three wishes, what would they be?: i had money a man n sum beautifull babies
What are your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning?: i need 2 brush ma teeth cah ma bret doesnt smell 2 fresh hahaha
What is your most embarrassing moment?: wen i was on the floor in the middle ov the hspital naked lol long story
What is your most overused phrase on MSN?: lol
What is your best physical feature?: ma lips
What is your most missed memory?: da days wen i didnt shit maself evrytym i heard a bang lol
Do you smoke?: yhhh
Do you sing?: pfft yh but not in tune hhhaaha
Do you swear?: yh but i didnt use to
Have you ever been drunk?: yh
How would you want to die?: in space
What do you want to be when you grow up?: a make-up artist
What is your biggest regret?: pffft u dnt wanna knw
Are you shy?: nah
Are you selfish?: yep n i aint gnna lie hahaha
Are you spoiled?: i wish
Would you walk by an old lady carrying groceries?: yep i wud
Do you get into arguments with people other than your siblings?: YES
Do you believe in magic?: NO
Have you ever skipped classes?: YH 2 MUCH
Was highschool your best or worst years?: WAS IT FUCK
What was the reason(s) for that?: it was a w8y all girls skool
What was the last thing you ate?: a twirl
If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?: maself :)
Where would you go if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world?: jamaica
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?: nah its gone 4 dem days
What do you have handy at your bedside?: a drink
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you have with you?: a sexy man 2 keep me entertained hahaha
What is the most annoying TV commercial to you?: da fukin horibble 1 where da hands turn into faces lol n da vaseline 1 wiv bare ppl in it lol
What do you think about before you go to bed?: wot tym am wakin up
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