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About Me

Hi, if you are reading this then you must want to know some stuff about me, Well I will tell you some of the things that I think are important for people to know about me, my name is Amber but I like to be called by my nickname which is Bambi yes I know it might be stupid but my grandparents gave me that when I was born. I am 19 years old I will be 20 in July, I have a wonderful boyfriend his name is Chris we have been together for about 5 years now, he is my soul mate. I love to watch anime mostly the older ones but some of the news ones are good as well. I also love to sword fight with my boyfriend and our friends. If you live around me and is interested in sword fighting with us just write me a comment and I will get back to you. Also I skateboard, snowboard, I play guitar mostly bass and lead I like both, I am currently working on AFI Miss Murder. I also love to play games mostly RPG's. I love animals mostly my fav. one is Wolves but my fav preastric animal is the Sabertooth Tiger they are very beautiful and mistic. I also collect Swords if you know Kenshin, I have his reverse blade sword that is sweet ^_^ I also collect the outfits of my Fav. charaters from my animes. Currently I only have one which is Ichigo's Soul Reapers Clothes. I can currently working on getting Kenshins ^_^ Lets see I also love Vampies and mistic creatures like Dragons, Faries, Wherewolfs, Unicorns, mermaids and a whole lot more. Well thats all I can think of tell of myself that people should know but if you become a good friend I end up telling more about myself I just got to get to know you. MY BROTHER WAS SENT TO DUBAI TO PUT UP FIREWORKS FOR THIS HOTEL AND LOOK HOW IT TURNED OUT!!!!!

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My Blog

atlantis fireworks show

My Brother dale went 7000 miles away to set fireworks up for the grand opening of the hotel atlantis in Dubai. Watch and see how it turned out! comment me and let me know what you think.   ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 16:57:00 GMT