All sorts of fun things..such as photography, travel, how long you can live your buddies parents before you kill yourself, music, water, food and drink, though not the magazine although it may be good it's just not what I mean at this particular moment, swimming, smiling, entertainment, how I could get away with taking out Nelly, the word douchebag, and fuckbag and any other swear word with bag or bucket at the end of it, girls though you wouldn't know it, when my friends are going to come visit. Yeah, stuff like that.
More nice people that influence me in positive ways and make me smile. Also, the drummer form Mastadon again. Can you meet someone again?
What a shit question. It's obvious I like whatever the people around me like. I need to fit in.
Stand by Me, Boyz in the Hood, Half Baked and two others would round out me top 5 all time.
I haven't had television in well over a year now. Don't miss it either. I really enjoy the entire series of The Office that I have on dvd though. It was on T.V once. Or so I would imagine.
I have an absolute fasination with all books for some reason, and the same goes with supermarkets, but then I try and read one and I fail. I guess i'm just not cut out for it. It's sad really.
Richard Phoenix.