"Smile" - Lilly Allen
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I love this boy!
Myspace Addict
When was the last time you were on myspace? I'm on now
Can you go a week without myspace? I think so
How about a day? Sure can
Do you go on your computer just for myspace? No
Did you buy your computer because of myspace? No
Do you know what a myspace whore is? Yes
If so, are you one? No
How often do you change your default pic? UUMMM like every few days or longer
How often do you comment your friends? I wish I could comment ever time I'm on but I don't (But I do comment one everytime I'm on)
Do you have a custom contact table? yes
If so, of what? Sting for the bee theme
Is myspace your homepage? No
How many friends do you have? Let me look ........ 280 but I take people out I dont know from time to time.
Do you actually know half of them? I do know more then HALF!!!!
Do you have a profile song? Yes
If so do you change it with your moods? No. But I think of songs and change it so I dont forget the song I was thinking of.
How many people have joined myspace because of you? IDK? But I know fake accounts were made for me! I love that people spend there time thinking of me tho!!
Who? The Haters opps I mean LOVERS!!
Have you ever met a new person and exchanged myspace links? Yes
Do you go nuts when myspace is down? Yes
How many times a day do you talk about it? I dont talk about everyday. Maybe every other day.
Do you take pics just for myspace? Yes. But so does everone on MY SPACE! If you deny your only lieing to your SELF!!!
How many times a week do you change your profile? I dont
Do you have a myspace tattoo? Hell NO
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You live me breath me speak me write about me sleep with me you can get enough of me! I Don't blame you I couldn't get enough of me if I wasn't me ether. He will NEVER forget me!! And now u and your friends won't either so LOVE ME!!! =)