I like electronic music of all sorts. I also really enjoy classic jazz (tonal jazz, not all beek beek boop bow bam! fritzy koopy doo), and classical. and anything that has sooooul. I enjoy the outdoors. rollerblading. mountain biking. learning to live. video games (battlefield 2, unreal tournament 2004, picking up smelly cat poop)
I would really oh so much like to meet Peter Platypus and his band of fantastic foragers: Fromage, De Leetle, and Dipsumberry. DONT SAY I STOLE YOUR CHOICE!!!! I said it first. Check out my VIN number..it will prove it.
I am listening to Future Sound of London...the album title is: Lifeforms. Its a two disc set and it varies from soundscapes, to chilled out beats with wild sounds, to more dramatic, very good sounds.
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, most everything with Bill Murray...My favorite movie of all time is Life is Beautiful. Never Cry Wolf. I enjoy corny comedy, action, lots of movies. too many to mention here in sybur spayse. Oh, The Long Way Round with Ewan McGregor or however you spell that Chinaman's name.
Ninja Warrior. Family Guy. Always Sunny in Philadelphia. And Dirty Jobs.
Bible at the moment...and maybe some Tape Op. is newegg considered a book? Automobile Magazine.
Jesus Christ, my Dad, Macgyver.