I had a lot of videos on my page, but I removed them for my friends who still have dial-up.
I'm a computer programmer, I love anime (I took a year of Japanese in college, and I'd like to learn other languages too like French, and German). My favorite musician is Jonathan Coulton right up next to Brad Paisley, though I love alt rock also. I read XKCD. I'm an evil mastermind when it comes to computers (I do everything computery: Networking, Hardware, Software... I write virtual machines* for fun sometimes (*for non-existant architectures, though I could probably figure out a Z80 if it was a paid project)), and I'm working on becomming a badass with electronics also (ever program a microcontroller before? It's the shit.) I also want to learn more about RF.
I have a disgusting sense of humor, bittorrent is my best friend, I'm married to an NES emulator (The dead asian hooker in my closet started smelling bad, so you know, I had to move on to the next best thing, and NES emulators don't mind the smell of rotting flesh, so it's all kosher now). I'm attempting to learn to play the piano, and the guitar (my buddy Randi is amazing). I have a full-time++ programming gig, I'm working on becomming a microsoft certified professional in what little spare time I manage to squeeze out of my alarm clock (I've got one cert, just gotta get three more).
I edited my profile all by my self, learn XHTML and CSS bitches! The background was made using virtual dub, irfanview, and ms paint.