His Awesomeness, King Mikey profile picture

His Awesomeness, King Mikey

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I had a lot of videos on my page, but I removed them for my friends who still have dial-up.

I'm a computer programmer, I love anime (I took a year of Japanese in college, and I'd like to learn other languages too like French, and German). My favorite musician is Jonathan Coulton right up next to Brad Paisley, though I love alt rock also. I read XKCD. I'm an evil mastermind when it comes to computers (I do everything computery: Networking, Hardware, Software... I write virtual machines* for fun sometimes (*for non-existant architectures, though I could probably figure out a Z80 if it was a paid project)), and I'm working on becomming a badass with electronics also (ever program a microcontroller before? It's the shit.) I also want to learn more about RF.

I have a disgusting sense of humor, bittorrent is my best friend, I'm married to an NES emulator (The dead asian hooker in my closet started smelling bad, so you know, I had to move on to the next best thing, and NES emulators don't mind the smell of rotting flesh, so it's all kosher now). I'm attempting to learn to play the piano, and the guitar (my buddy Randi is amazing). I have a full-time++ programming gig, I'm working on becomming a microsoft certified professional in what little spare time I manage to squeeze out of my alarm clock (I've got one cert, just gotta get three more).

I edited my profile all by my self, learn XHTML and CSS bitches! The background was made using virtual dub, irfanview, and ms paint.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People are everywhere, I'd like to meet a demon or an angel or some kind of otherworldy creature -- A dead person?

Don't get me wrong, I know that I'd wet myself if I saw something like this... but man would I'd have a fucking story to tell -- nobody would believe me, and they'd prolly put me on meds, and lock me in a white-padded room... But I'd totally have a story to tell to all the non-existant people that visit me.

My Blog

first blog in a while

Apparently I haven't even been on MySpace in 3 months, well a lot has happened.I got laid off in April.  Since then, I've only had about half a week of non-billable work, and I've been getting paid mu...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 02:55:00 GMT

My super awesometastic Kingship

Just so you all know: I'm a medieval* king, sorry I forgot to tell you sooner. * I might be off, time wise, with this one, but you know us game programmers, time lines are meant to be broken.
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 10:55:00 GMT

Do I smell bacon?

I was talking to Jeremy the other day, and questioning the pop culture obessession with bacon.  I keep running into people that are like bacon zombies or something.  and he explained, that's...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 09:55:00 GMT


I have several projects I'm working on at the moment.  Well I use the term working on loosely;  Several projects that I want to work on but keep losing the motivation to do, so I guess I jus...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 17:34:00 GMT


First job I've had that let me take the 4th off, man it's good to not be a wage slave anymore, though the whole underpayment for my labour isn't that great, I'm still making more money than I ever hav...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 10:16:00 GMT

Commitment to self

So I decided yesterday, that I'm going to get my body into shape.  Like the whole thing, not just muscles and fat -- my teeth, my feet if possible, my brain: all of it's wonky emotions, drama, im...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 21:17:00 GMT


I've got a lot of good things ahead of me: I'm in my mid twenties making bank, have my own place with all the space I could ever want, I'm making new friends, going to start heading off to the gy...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 00:35:00 GMT


So, my last project ended, new project starting soon, today is kind of a relax/take-it-easy/go-home-on-time/read-your-fucking-book day. Gonna go home, play me some super nintendo and eat me some taco ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:40:00 GMT

writing documents sucks

I've been working 60 hr work weeks, and now it's not even programming, but documenting... can't wait to get back on a real project. I upgraded the hard drive in my xbox with an 80 gb, and I'm gonna co...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 15:03:00 GMT

Death to Xml

I'm still allllliiiiiiiivvvveee. Fighting with Xml at new job, it's a fight to the death -- so if xml is still being used by professional developers on monday? Assume the worst, I want people to be ha...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 16:05:00 GMT