Kevin Charles Perkins (Dean) profile picture

Kevin Charles Perkins (Dean)

I am here for Networking

About Me

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Art by KC Perkins
(Scroll down past biography for video details)
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Kevin Charles Perkins aka "Dean" Perkins, age 45
Born in Los Angeles (Glendale) California
Artist, Muralist, Graphic Design, CD cover art,
Music, Writer, Other creative stuff, er? didn't say I was famous. Other interests: Alternative Energy, Forbidden Archeology, Hidden Science, etc..
I started this "myspace" with the help of Twyla, I think she is my step neice? Anyway did so with the intention of networking with others here to get CD cover gigs, etc... samples of my art can be seen in my photos.
But I've learned myspace is a little more than just that, it offers the opportunity to make new friends and offers the opportunity to find old friends, and I have certainly missed them. So now I have to try to locate old friends, most of whom would be childhood friends, and I left home long ago, loosing many an address book along the way. So little by little I will find them, or they will find me.
If you find me, hmmmm? What have I been doing? Well I live in the Great Northwest, about 15 minutes outside of Seattle, WA.
How did I end up here? I was working on a small fishing boat in San Diego and a friend told me I would make more money in Alaska, and that they hire anyone, because people quit all the time. that stuck in the back of my head until I had nothing to lose, so off I went one day on a grey hound bus, I had to go anyway.
I had watched many my LA school friend, all promising students, become career criminals after the crack epidemic in the 1980s, but San Diego was a Methatropolis of it's own and I had to push eject once more to keep myself from going down in flames.
Spooky story to that, I knew no one in the North and said "God I'm scared, what will I do when I get there?" I opened the bible for an answer and the first thing I read was, "To those who over come, I will give some of the hidden mana along the way"
Well I had to look up the word "Mana" and it is the bread that fed the wanderers in the wilderness for 40 years, and is referred to as "The Bread of Life".
So I said, alright whatever, I need to get out of here, and I trust the Lord will provide. I hopped on a bus with $30 food money and the clothes on my back. Got off the bus in Seattle with $17 left, and asked the first back pack I saw where the nearest mission was. He pointed in the direction and said, "Just a few blocks that way"
Lo and behold, name of that mission, "The Bread of Life"
Well I stayed there until I cought a boat out of Ballard, where many dock in the off season, and thus began my Alaska fishing years. These were big floating factories, catcher/processers, we flash freeze product right there at sea, about 80 people on a boat.
These boats are over 250 feet long, catching the stuff you see in a McDonnald's Fish Fellet Sandwitch, (Pollock, and Cod). Did that for a while, but fast paced hard labor 16 hour shifts, 7 days a week, for 3 months (quarter year) at a time, truely sucketh chit man, except for the part where you get off the boat with a wad of cash and live anywhere you want until next season.
But it's a younger man's gig, and 1999 was the last time I wanted to go out. There are old fools age 50 on those rust buckets, but no one makes the kind of money you could before N.A.F.T.A. anyway, so why make a life of it, besides we were like totally raping the ocean with those trawlers.
The way I figure, nature had it that if you lived on the coast you ate sea food, but with the advent of refrigeration, shipping the catch inland as well, we're deffinitly over fishing and depleting resources.
On the other hand, McDonnald's food additives will control the human population, thus the fish will make a come back, ha.
So now it's been a string of dead end jobs and struggling artist gigs, but all in all, it's not bad, I'm home every night and get to have a relationship, although, I might have to do some over the road driving for one of the major trucking companies for a while.
Not the best way to travel, but need some quick cash for next project, an animation project on the horizon, when I save enough to fund it, hopefully the gamble pays off.
The background for this page is also my art work.
I still get to do real travel though, see, I realized if I don't party, I have money left over every week, ha. Went to Asia in 2007, spent 6 weeks there. What a place. Some pics in my myspace photo album here. But I'm broke again, dreading the inevidable, slave-o-rama.
Gee what a wonderful concept these web sites, getting us to build a data file on ourselves, along with personallity profile, and associates list, clever, clever, uncle spook..
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Oh Shit!
"The Obama Deception"
New Puppet, Same String Masters
Oh Shit! shit! shit!
Do not trust the Main Stream Media,
Especially when they're trying to kill you.
Sorry, but someone has to tell you this stuff.
Got Milk?
Reporters Blow Whistle on Fox (A Must See!)
Have one of those silver colored tooth fillings?
Tooth Filling Mercury effects on your brain OMG!
Mercury is in your Flu Shots and Vaccines Too!
Got Fluoride?
Fluoride reduces your IQ, Watch this entire clip!
Look Up! Hello???
This small town news station was brave enough to address it, (Chemtrails) just once and mentions that an LA station also addressed it, well I happened to see that LA news station broadcast and it was a pathetic attempt to dismiss chemtrails as nothing, but this small town local station clip is good....
Well of course, who's going to call Poison Control
and say they were exposed to Barium? People don't
know what's wrong with themselves, that's why they
call the hospital, and say, "Something's wrong Doc!
In fact, if Barium causes the immume system to fail in certain areas, leading to the person getting a particular disease, the hospital itself can diagnose the disease but has no idea nor reason to test for Barium, hello? See how tricky their spokesman was?
Hospitals are the 2nd leading cause of death in USA
The above line is a link, click on it some time.
And so you've just seen the medical establishment use tricky words stating that they have received no calls for exposure to barium. A misleading statement, when the atmosphere has over 10 times the safe amount, and what Barrium does is weaken the immune system, thus people get sick from other things (because of the Barium) but don't know it, and that is why the hospital receives no calls regarding exposure to Barium. Tricky Bastards.
Hey kids! Prescription Meds found in your water!
Facebook was created by the CIA
Regarding topics addressed in the above videos...
Putting your head in the sand and breathing through your ass wont help, it just leaves your ass vulnerable.
Some people think they can solve that problem
by putting their head in their ass.
They're gonna eat chit.
Be brave, face it, address it, together, loudly!
And resolve it together. It's your only chance.
Doing nothing, is the worst thing you can do, pretending it isn't there, doesn't make it go away, we need you mothers irate and screaming at fudge brownie slinging PTA picket sign flame wars, because fluoride is also absorbed through the skin in the shower, you dig?
Europeans banned it from their water, how? By "demanding" it, by marching to the houses of the scum with torches just like a Frankenstein movie. Don't be scared just because they knocked down their own buildings, killing a few thousand New Yorkers in the process, that's just the usual run of the mill criminally insane chit.
Battle in Seattle
Ha, well who can blame him, a poor man's beer
is all he has left. I was up here when all this stuff
went down. Those weren't regular cops either,
there were hired thugs among them.
Guess who still has fluoride?
It also makes you passive.
So now we're stupid and passive, ...zombies.
Zombie Slaves. It was first used in Nazi consintration camps. Don't believe me? Watch parts 1. 2, ...and 4 of that
"Fluoride Deception" video, over at youtube.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Creative people for networking.
People who are not cowards.
People who are not here to whore, or whore chase.
People who care, because the poison is for those who dont.

By the way I arranged my friends according to photo colors.
It's the artist in me, the whole page was like a painting.
So don't think I like someone more than someone else.
I love you all.
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