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Member: Team Kitten Chaos
le squad awesomest de tout le monde.
I'm rather dorky but in the coolest of all ways ;) I'm spunky and sly, but also very serious about life; spiritual and devout. I love to joke and I laugh a lot. I like sci-fantasy and a good old-fashioned alien story. dragons rock. and so do cyborgs, btw. Love is a good good thing, it's everything really, and makes the world spin around.
My kids are not human. Literally. Maybe that's an odd statement, but I've spent most of my life working in the fields of Interspecies Communication and Behavioral Enrichment, and so I nuture my two adopted felines, Apache and Reggie, and my Chinese dwarf hamster, Figgy, as family. They're total rascals ! My sweet brood :)
The One and the Many, United in Divinity
1. once a navy brat, always a navy brat
2. saucy italian-american, lol
(marone a mia, eat something !)
We come spinning
out of nothingness,
scattering stars like dust.