flying, reading, fighting crime, saving people, (when I can), studying (I go 2 school 2), working on my car,and just having a good time with friends and family.
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Interesting People, Not Fake Ones
pimp my ride:
Be True To Yourself
Hip Hop, Rock En Español, Alternative Rock, The Smiths, I think I like all types of music as long as they have a good beat or rhythm!
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i ENJOY WATCHING comedies, horror and others. aNYTHIG THAT gETS MY aTTENTION!
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RoCk En eSpANoL:
HIp hOp:
I enjoy watching anything interesting when i have time. I also like medical shows. (like "House")
The only books I read right now are the ones from graduate school.
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The people who struggled to get me where I am today, made me the person I am, and give me all the support I need..... My Parents, I love you both!