A young lady with few words if I am alone with you? Unless we got common topics. REALLY! But I can be damm noisy and nonsensical(if that's the way to spell it) in a group. 8). Kind of slow at times I admit, alittle sarcastic too. 8X.Love to learn new things, but not in a very systematic way. Dont really like school lessons but do like to hang out with my school mates.Currently leading a restless life, having aims yet being the typical me, too lazy to pursue, and my dreams always seems too far and unrealistic, so yah. That explain why I am still at Square 1.However lazy I am, I got a strong belief that things aren't for free and it doesnt come easy. You wont achieve the real "fruit" unless hard work is put in, though my actions just contradicts with my words SO MUCH.Recently, I can feel that my mind is growing man! Oh dear! Hey! I am very serious! It's growing!! Ohh!! I am growing up!! 8). Nah, just dont like the serious lifestyle. Just relax, and smile more peeps! 8D
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Friends who can influence me to be a better person!
F4!!! Machi!! For now, maybe a guy who can creates a wonderful love story with me? GeeZ!
No preference but no "beng's" techno!
I love my VCDS!
My Dad n Brothers, Lee Kuan Yew.
My Blog
My Brother!
My little brother all the while had been strongly influenced by me to like F4!8X
But my elder bro! He is listening to lotz of Vanness songs now!8X!
Hahahaha, i din influence him!!8X Posted by Sherry on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST