Jimmie The Rev Sullivan |
It saddens me to say that on dec 29 2009 Jimmie The Rev Sullivan the amazing drummer behind Avenged Seven Fold died in his house in southern californa most of you maybe new this already but i just fou... Posted by on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:51:00 GMT |
need members for band |
ok so heres the deel im inn the process of starting a new band unlike the ones in the past taking this one serous but im lacking in the menber department i really just need one other member someone wh... Posted by on Mon, 28 Dec 2009 08:42:00 GMT |
some facts of life |
the world will come to and end one day thats just the way it is and when it happen i am giong to spit blood and fire on all that ronged the people that i love and think are alsome with guitar in one h... Posted by on Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:33:00 GMT |
stuff |
I have come to i conclsion on some thing that has been eating me at why is every band that i think suck are the ones that get so much attetion in the puplic eye all of the good really good band with t... Posted by on Thu, 17 Sep 2009 14:39:00 GMT |
bordom |
this is what bordom is staring at a blank wall staring at nothing cause there is nothing there, like that nothingness is all you have to hold on to, but what if there was something there something bad... Posted by on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 18:52:00 GMT |