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About Me Deliblato je selo na teritoriji opstine Kovin, u juznobanatskom okrugu, u Vojvodini, Srbija. Prvi podaci za ovo naselje datiraju iz 1660. godine. Nalazi se na obodu Deliblatske pescare. Selo ima 3488 stanovnika prema popisu iz 2002. godine.Deliblato (Делиблато) is a village in Serbia. It is situated in the Kovin municipality, in the South Banat District, Vojvodina province. The village has a Serb ethnic majority and its population is 3,498 (2002 census). The Deliblatska Peščara (Deliblato Sands), a largest sandy area in Europe, was named after this village.Name of the village derived from Turkish word "deli" ("big" in English) and Serbian word "blato" ("mud" in English), thus the full meaning of the name of the village in English would be "the big mud".It is not certain when the village was founded. In 1660/6, during the Ottoman rule, Deliblato was populated by ethnic Serbs. In 1761, it was recorded as Orthodox christian settlement. Serbian church was built in 1783 and rebuilt in 1906

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