Stevie [♥] profile picture

Stevie [♥]

I never thought it could happen, but now i soo glad it did.

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Tiny Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

I dress to kill
but tastefully -Freddy Mercury

The name=Stevie. I have a thing for giraffes. there kinda my thing. I love macaroni and cheese and corn and ninja turtles make me smile. I am now a senior and it feels really weird to know that i am in the highest grade possible, until i cant go to school anymore and actually have to do somthing with my life. I hope to someday become a hobo so I can sit outside commercial grocerie stores and beg people to give me change so i can go buy booze and think about my pathetic life, as well as pretend to be small childrens mother so they can get into rated R movies and i can buy them cigarettes and booze. well actually I lied I seriously hope to become a doctor or an actress. I have been in four movies, the most recent one was called Hellkittens where i got to play jenny jaguar, It was freaking sweet working with dusty and the crew again and I am soo pumped for the premeire!!! which does not have a date set in stone quite yet. But I love working with Dusty on his movies, he is the most fun to work with and he farts alot!! but thats ok. He has another movie that we are hopefully doing soon called path of the dead where I play Sasha. I cant wait for that either. I am currently in a relationship and I love every bit of it. I am with the guy that I always knew i would be perfect with, he has been my best friend for 4 years and i couldnt ask for anyone who knows me better or can put up with my issues as well as he can. He is so amazing and I cant believe that we are actually together now, It is so weird how everything just changes in the blink of an eye, how nothing seems to change but them everything is different. Big Steve Myers is the greatest guy on the face of the earth and i dont know what I would do without him.I have a couple goos friends that I have to mention. First there is the girl that has been there since forever, Brenna Wilson, We may get into fights and do things to each other that are really wrong and evil but we always seem to be friends the next day, Brenna and I could sit in a room and stare at a wall and have endless entertainment and laughing. We are never bored when we are with each other, I guess our retardness compiments one another. The next person Is someone that I just met last year, Victoria Eckelberger, this girl would do anything for me and i would do the same for her. sure we may get on each others nerves but who doesnt. I am soo glad that we are friends and continue to be so. I love you both! well I guess that is the end of my super huge about me, where i felt like i had to tell you everything, so if youwanna talk just message me and i should reply. peace.♥

My Interests

“When you're a beautiful person on the inside, there is nothing in the world that can change that about you. Jealousy is the result of one's lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. The Lesson: If you can't accept yourself, then certainly no one else will.”

I'd like to meet:

whoever created perogies, jesus, trey parker, yoda
and Criss Angel

Made by Andrea Micheloni




Every where you go,
Take a smile with you -Sasha Azevedo





My Blog

boney fat

Hey people,           wow i think this has to be the most pointless blog i have ever posted...but not the dumbest....just remember ralph...I miss ralph (...
Posted by Stevie [♥] on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 06:24:00 PST

catostrophic bliss

People dont realize the hurt they put on others.. whether or not they are intending to people are fragile and unique why would you want to bring that down isnt that was we as a person aim for? to be d...
Posted by Stevie [♥] on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 06:15:00 PST