Jack Cadillac is an original entity hailing from Waycross, Georgia, that draws upon a deep well of musical influences, from rock ‘n’ roll to country and soul. Singer-songwriter and band visionary Sean Clark has played in numerous bands in the south east before finding players who shared his musical vision in 2002. Sean's cousin Brandon Doty joined this vision at the age of 18, when he switched from playing guitar to bass and bringing along his highschool friend John Pope who had already made leaps and bounds with his guitar playing. Sean, Brandon, and John struggled for a few years to find a drummer before landing Dylan Crosby. Dylan was a guitar student of Sean's and had been playing drums since he was small. With their forthcoming debut CD, 2009, Jack Cadillac is poised to put the pedal to the metal and its poetry to the pavement. Jack has released a 5 song self-titled sampler CD available on iTunes and CDBaby. www.jackcadillac.com
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