EMIR & FROZEN CAMELS profile picture


About Me

Emir & Frozen Camels
Short Biography
Emir’s career started in Sarajevo prior to the Balkan’s war.
At the end of 1993, Emir moved to USA. Shortly after Emir arrived in the USA Emir went on to form his own band “Emir & Frozen Camels” and the band started work on their first album.In recording studio, he was greatly helped from many of his good friends and musicians. Among other musicians that played on “San” album were: Cliff Williams bass player from famous rock band AC-DC and distinguished musicians like Danny Shepard, Darrell Nutt and Elliot Randall (Joan Baez, Pavlov’s Dog, Steely Dan Band,..).
After the album “San” was recorded in USA, European recording label “Dallas Records” published it for European market. “Emir & Frozen Camels” went on to play many concerts and were successful on the local music charts in Eastern Europe. From the Album “San” three videos were produced for songs from the album, one of them (“Sarajevo, New York, Roma”) was air played on the “Canadian MTV” substitute, the very popular “MUCH TV”.
At the end of 2002, for the collaboration of the band with AC/DC bass player Cliff Williams, on the album “San”, Emir Bukovica along with the fellow members of the band received the BH Music Award “Davorin 2002” for “The Best International Music Collaboration”.
In November 2002 Emir put together the original american cast of “Emir & Frozen Camels” band for the European “The Frozen Camels Project” Tour. Together with Cliff Williams (AC/DC), Danny Shepard & Darrell Nutt, Emir appeared in selected clubs in Europe.
The second album “Znam” was released at the end of 2003, and soon the video clips for the songs “Sarajevo, New York, Roma (remix)”, “Brown Eyed Girl”, “Tvoj Svijet”, “Uhljup- Glamour Papak” and “Ulica” hit the music-charts in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia.
The album “Znam” was selected by the eminent rock critics among the “10 the best albums of the year” 2003 in Croatia.
The year 2004 was marked by numerous performances, concerts and festivals for the band "Emir & Frozen Camels"- to point out the largest festival in the SE Europe “EXIT” in Novi Sad, where in front of 35000 people "Emir & Frozen Camels" were the open act on the main stage for the legendary Iggy Pop.
In 2005 the band “E&FC” is nominated for the forth time in a row for the BH music award “Davorin”, this time in the category for “The best rock video” for the song “Ulica”. The video for the song “Fadila od Majamija (Unbelievable)” hit the video-charts. The video was recorded during E&FC’s concert in the “Dom Sportova” concert hall in Zagreb. At the end of 2005 “E&FC” came out with the new video clip for the song “Ti i Ja (Sevdah blues)”.
After a long pause because of Emir's car accident at the begining of 2007 "Emir & Frozen Camels" released new single - song "Alina (No Pasaran)". This song features Spanish rocker Alberto Ceballos and Slovenian pop-rock star Omar Naber. "Alina (No Pasaran)" instantly became smashing hit in whole region. Video clip for this song, directed again by director Darko Drinovac was in one moment Number 1 on the 26 Top music charts in the region. This song was also played on some of the stations in Spain.
"Emir & Frozen Camels" won MTV Adria "Catch the Frequency" competition among many very good bands from the region. It brought them to play at “FM4 Frequency Festival” in Salzburg, Austria along with many famous bands like "Nine Inch Nails", "Tool", "Interpol",....etc.
Few days after Austria E&FC played in front of 100000 people at "Belgrade Beer Fest 2007".
Third album of Emir & Frozen Camels called NO PASARAN was released on May 4th 2009. New single-song "Jedina" hit radio stations in the region as well as video clip for this song directed by Darko Drinovac.
For all additional information about EFC band you can visit band’s official website: www.emir-frozencamels.com

My Interests


Member Since: 22/11/2007
Band Website: www.emir-frozencamels.com
Band Members:
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Emir Bukovica - songwriter/vox/guitar

Mario Rasic - bass

Damir Krsnik - guitar

Mario Peretic - drums

Amazingly gifted musicians played with EFC in the past:

Danny Shepard - songwriter/vox/guitar

Darrell Nutt - drums

Cliff Williams - bass

David C. Johnson - bass

Mike Rogers - guitar

Elliott Randall - guitar

Jure Baljak - drums

Ivan Vranjes - guitar

Luka Putica - bass

Mario Luketa - guitar

Juraj Birin - guitar

Matija Novak - drums


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Sounds Like:


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ALINA (NO PASARAN) feat. Alberto Ceballos



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UHLJUP-GLAMOUR PAPAK feat. Elvis, Bahattee & Rambo

Record Label: Dallas Records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Emir & Frozen Camels gosti Lenny Kravitza na koncertu u Banja Luci 23/7

Danas je na adresu organizatora koncerta velike svjetske zvijezde Lenny Kravitza, koji ce se odrzati na Gradskom stadionu u Banja Luci 23/7, stigao zvanicni dopis ovog americkog muzicara i njegovog me...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Jul 2009 13:24:00 GMT

ROKAJ FEST 2009 objavio imena ovogodisnjih ucesnika(http://www.rokajfest.com/event/2009/stage/)

Emir & Frozen Camels na glavnoj bini 3/7 !Emir & Frozen Camels, koje hrvatski mediji proglasavaju jednim od zvijezda ovog festivala (http://www.jutarnji.hr/galerija?galleryId=491) ce nastupiti na ...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 13:34:00 GMT

Emirov interview za hrvatski portal MUZIKA.HR

U povodu izlaska novog albuma NO PASARAN Emir Bukovica je dao interview za hrvatski portal MUZIKA.HR Interview mozete procitati klikom na link: http://www.muzika.hr/clanak/21398/interview/emir-bukovic...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 18:27:00 GMT

EMIR & FROZEN CAMELS predstavljaju novi album NO PASARAN song by song

'NO PASARAN', novi album grupe Emir & 'Frozen camels'   u prodaji je od ponedjeljka 4. 5. 2009 . Album koji je ovih dana stigao na hrvatsko, slovensko, srpsko i bosansko-hercegova ko  tr~iate sastoji ...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 06:10:00 GMT

Album NO PASARAN is out on May the 4th 2009!

Dear friends, new EMIR & FROZEN CAMELS album named NO PASARAN is out on May the 4th 2009...Drugovi i drugarice, 4.5.1980. u 15:05h umro je drug Tito...Drugovi i drugarice, 4.5.2009. u 15:05h rodit ce ...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:40:00 GMT

Novi video spot najavljuje NO PASARAN

Ovih dana ce na televizijama u regionu premijerno biti prikazan novi video spot Emir & Frozen Camels-a. Radi se o pjesmi Jedina, koja ce najaviti izlazak novog albuma Emira i njegovih smrznutih d...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Mar 2009 13:04:00 GMT

Djule Van Gogh prvi otkriveni specijalni gost na novom EFC albumu

   Dugo i do sada uspjeano uvanu tajnu o specijalnim gostima na novom albumu grupe Emir & Frozen Camels otkrio je upravo jedan od tih gostiju, Zvonimir Djuki-Djule, lider najpopularnijeg rock sast...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 03:13:00 GMT

Novi EFC album snimljen

    Ovih dana u "'Translucent Records" studiju na Floridi "Emir & Frozen Camels" zavrsavaju snimanje posljednjih tonova njihovog novog albuma. Ekipi u sastavu Emir Bukovica, Da...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 23:15:00 GMT

Official EFC Website

Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 06:10:00 GMT