'..Started in Greece 1999 and with theirmotto always being “We Love Jeans, WeLove Sneakers, We Love Music†PrimeTimers have managed to stay young atheart, mind and soul throughout time.The need which led to the opening ofthe first store was to create a “world†forpeople who shared common values; peoplewho liked to be different, people wholoved being creative and that had a certainphilosophy and attitude towards life andalso to introduce a slice of fresh new brandsto the Greek market.Today Prime Timers is a retail chain of 34stores all over Greece and Cyprus. Besidesthat the company is also one of the bestdistributors in Greece and Cyprus forbrands such as WeSC, Ringspun, Bench,Freesoul, Elvis Jesus, Dunderdon, Ragwear,Sixpack France, Hooch, Upper Playground, AlternativeApparel, Bjorkvin, Playboy Accessories, PachaAccessories, Chupa Chups Accessories,Babycham, Nanny State, Odessa Footwear,Alife, Pointer and many more.Apart from treating customers to the totalPrime Timers experience the concept ofthe stores is to invite people to spend timethere and why not relax….The brands one can find within PrimeTimers stores are all mentioned aboveas well as especially strong and exclusivecollections from Levis, Converse, Adidas,Vans, K-Swiss, PF-Flyers and others..'
6 lamias & konstantinoupoleos str,
email:[email protected]
..Thank You For Visit Our World..