i love music. i am not ia person who listen to just one kzind. To me it's more about weather i like it or not not weather it's popular or not so i don't care what kind of misic it is. Weather it's rock or pop or country or punk or anything it's more about weather it makes me wanna listen to it. I support all music. where would we be with out it.
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How Insane Are You?
Created by andy and taken 151231 times on Bzoink
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Which Deadly Sin Are You?
Created by iamcool and taken 117610 times on Bzoink
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anything by anne rice
You Are Amy Lee!
Gothy, expressive, woman-in-pain
Who looks damn good in a corset
"When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears"
Who's Your Inner Rock Chick?
Your lucky number is number Six!
What's Your Lucky Number?
Brought to you by Tickle
the greatest hero is mom's if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be here. No matter how bad we thought they were when we were kids we know how great they really were when we becomes parents our self. If you parents were the kinda that physically and mentally abuse there children just know that no matter how bad they were you can be the better parent. You can be the kind of parent that they could never be. 3