Admiral Joe profile picture

Admiral Joe

Video editor

About Me

(Normally my Facebook badge would be here. Since they re-designed the site to look like they vomited out all the features onto the screen, I'm not using it. If you want to see my profile there, ask, I'm not deleting it...yet...)

I'm 24, in Lakehurst. I'm a video editor for a small commercial production company, and I'm your not-so-typical geek.

I'm a gay guy that really enjoys cuddling. I'm also an Atheist and enjoy intelligent conversation. Chess is a fun game if it isn't taken too seriously; I'm not a great player, but I can beat a lot of casual players. And surprisingly, I have athletic abilities, too!

For most of my life I've been a loner, and even though that's slowly changing, I still enjoy video games--games were there when no person was, so I play a lot. I have an Xbox 360 and a PS2, and waaaaaay too many computer games. Rock Band and Guitar Hero can never get old, nor can the Civilization series or Command and Conquer.

I was very active in the TV Station at college. I intend on working with video as a career, though I'm not really picky about what--I want to direct, but editing is a fun job too. And I really have no preference for TV or film. Directing movies, or a TV show, would be awesome. Currently I'm just working on commercials at a small production company.

Feel free to check out my webpage which has some of my videos on it, or my Xanga.

Ask for my AIM or Yahoo IM.

My Interests

Cute guys of course! Um, other than that, cuddling, Star Trek, floor hockey, chess, karate (soo bahk do and hapkido), video games, making video, and pretty much anything that doesn't involve nature (except for boats) or animals unless it's in the capacity of food.

I'd like to meet:

Cool people around my age into video games. And definitely interested in meeting cute guys for dating (no older than 26) who don't smoke.


Parodies are my favorite, anything meant to be funny. Other than that, about the only thing I can stand listening to is Carmina Burana; it's a bunch of poems written by monks in Medieval times and put to music in the 30's by Carl Orff. Most of it is in Latin. I am starting to enjoy the stuff in Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well.


Hmmm...Anything with a really cute guy? (I'm noticing a trend here...) lol...Other than that I like comedies because I really like to smile and laugh; Scifi is another big favorite of mine. And of course the Star Trek movies are great, with the exception of Nemesis...what were they thinking releasing that poorly written piece of trash?

Favorites include Final Cut, Defying Gravity, and The Last Shot. Of course I must also include my first movie, Term Paper of the Damned, as a favorite as well. Mostly because it was hilarious. Oh, and because I made it. (-;


Star Trek is definitely my favorite show. I enjoyed all four TV series, and some of the animated series. (Do not confuse Enterprise for Star Trek...that would be an unforgivable mistake.)

Other than Star Trek, I like Stargate, and Law and Order. CSI is neat, and Bones is really fascinating when I remember to watch it.


I don't like to read. There just isn't enough stimulation in it for me.


I don't really have anyone I'd say is a hero. I suppose Gene Roddenberry could count; not just because he made a great show I really take to heart, but because of what the shows mean. He was a champion for equal rights across the board, and he got to his goals by making society look at itself and see that what it was doing is wrong. He also gave hope of a good future, which all of us need.

My Blog


Just a reminder to those who may not know, my main blog is at
Posted by Admiral Joe on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 07:31:00 PST

Re-imagining Joe

I've been thinking a bit the past few days. One of the things I'd really like for myself is, for a change, to look hot. I know I'm attractive, but I never really dress it--the food critic segment cert...
Posted by Admiral Joe on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 05:47:00 PST

Renn Fest Pics
Posted by Admiral Joe on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:59:00 PST

Old dudes hitting on young guys--why it’s wrong, why it makes me angry

People wonder why this subject makes me so angry, and why I think old dudes (mid 30's and older) who hit on people young enough to be their kids should be castrated. I quote part of a conversation wit...
Posted by Admiral Joe on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:52:00 PST

McDaniel solicits a gift

I got a solicitation for a gift from McDaniel. Naturally I decided to write them back and give them a piece of mind. Below is a copy of the letter I sent. I also hand wrote some comments on the letter...
Posted by Admiral Joe on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:30:00 PST

Performing Arts Academy

I went on the video shoot at the second Ocean County vo-tech academy, The Performing Arts Academy today. While they don't have a school building (like MATES:
Posted by Admiral Joe on Thu, 03 May 2007 03:43:00 PST


My main blog is my xanga,
Posted by Admiral Joe on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:07:00 PST

I'm on TV

Bossguy had me involved with most of the production of a commercial for a company called E&B Distributors--he asked me to work on the script, act as PA on the shoot, and assist in the editing. On ...
Posted by Admiral Joe on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:47:00 PST


::scratches head:: My net's been acting crappy the past few days, and out of frustration I typed in some random garbage on here. Then suddenly I see a box that says, "Invite sent." This might end up b...
Posted by Admiral Joe on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 08:41:00 PST

A job...sort of...

Wish me luck. I sort of have an interview coming up. The editor's guild suggested that the best (and pretty much only) way I'll be able to find work is if I offer to work for free, which ends up (supp...
Posted by Admiral Joe on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:05:00 PST