Illtracs ,whose birth name is Deon Pierre Thomas was born in Los Angeles, California on Feb. 1, 1982. At the age of 6 Illtracs was taken in by his mom's sister and moved to Irvine. In this new environment Illtracs was able to focus and take advantage of opportunities not likely to present themselves If he were still living with his mother In L.A. As soon as he discovered his new elementary School had a music program he learned he picked up the violin. In middle school he joined the choir until he discovered the drum set. In High School he got a taste for touring, traveling to Las Vegas and San Francisco with the schools marching band as a bass drummer.Throughout high school he was signing up for local talent shows and battle of the bands with his former rock band, "Left at Homestead", After high school Illtracs attended The Musicians Institute in Southern California. An extensive music program designed to prepare students for the professional world of music. He learned how to record, mix, master, produce and network his material. Illtracs has produced for numerous students in his school as well as himself and artists from the Bay to L.A. With the knowledge from The MI Illtracs on the path to add some big changes the music game for 2005 and years to come!.